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Harry Potter Timeline

A brief listing of all of the relevant dates and events mentioned in the books up through Deathly Hallows. Some information also comes from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Quidditch Through the Ages, but this information is struck through and/or noted as some may not consider it strictly canon since it doesn't come from the narrative books. Each row represents a different day. Day of the week is given (if known), and any assumptions made are noted. Be aware that the timelines in the books are not necessarily consistent with actual calendar dates (particularly moon cycles).

Everything here comes from the American (Scholastic) versions of the books. The abbreviations should be obvious, but just in case: SS (Sorcerer's Stone, aka Philosopher's Stone), CoS (Chamber of Secrets), PoA (Prisoner of Azkaban), GoF (Goblet of Fire), OotP (Order of the Phoenix), HBP (Half-Blood Prince), DH (Deathly Hallows), FB (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them), QTtA (Quidditch Through the Ages), DVD (comes from DVD timeline). The DVD listings help pin down some exact dates, but beware of discrepancies.

?Goblin lore says Godric Gryffindor stole his sword from Ragnuk the First [DH-25]; it's a myth [JKR interview].
993Hogwarts founded [PoA-DVD].
?Helena Ravenclaw steals her mother Rowena's tiara (diadem) [DH-31].
?The Bloody Baron kills Helena when she refuses to return to her ailing mother, then kills himself in grief, wearing his ghostly chains in an act of penance. The diadem remains in a hollow tree in Albania [DH-31].
1289International Warlock Convention [CoS-9].
late 13th centuryTriwizard Tournament established [GoF-12].
1473First Quidditch World Cup [QTtA-6].
Oct 31, 1492Nearly Headless Nick dies [PoA-8, PoA-DVD].
1602Right to carry a wand established [QTtA-6].
1620The Noble Sport of Warlocks published [QTtA-6].
1631Ministry of Magic decree preventing all magical beings other than wizards carrying a wand [JKR website].
1652European Cup established [QTtA-8].
1666Great Fire of London [JKR website].
1689International Statute of Secrecy signed [DH-16]. Note this date conflicts with both Fantastic Beasts and Quidditch Through the Ages.
1692International Confederation of Wizards summit meeting produces the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy [FB, QTtA-5]. Note that this date conflicts with the one in [DH-16].
1709Warlock's Convention of 1709 outlaws dragon breeding [SS-14].
1741Dilys Derwent becomes Hogwarts Headmistress [OotP-22].
1750Clause 73 inserted into International Code of Wizarding Secrecy [FB].
1750Department of Magical Games and Sports formed [QTtA-6].
1762Goblin Vargot dies in battle [JKR website].
1768Dilys Derwent no longer Hogwarts Headmistress [OotP-22].
1794First reported sighting of Acromantula [FB].
1798Artemesia Lufkin becomes Minister of Magic (until 1811) [JKR website].
1811Definitions of "beast" vs. "being" established [FB].
1811Grogan Stump becomes Minister of Magic (until 1819) [JKR website].
1820Cushioning Charm invented by Elliot Smethwyck [QTtA-9].
1824Why I Didn't Die When the Augurey Cried published [FB].
1865Faris "Spout-Hole" Spavin becomes Minister of Magic (until 1903) [JKR website].
1865Gringotts left in goblin hands [JKR website].
1867Newt Scamander born [FB].
1881Summer. Albus Dumbledore born [DH-18, JKR website].
1890Great Auntie Muriel (Weasley) born [DH-8].
1890'sGalatea Merrythought starts teaching at Hogwarts [HBP-20].
1891Six year-old Ariana Dumbledore attacked by three Muggle boys, driving her mad [DH-28].
1891Percival Dumbledore sent to Azkaban for attack on Muggles, where he later dies [DH-2,28].
1891The Dumbledores move to Godric's Hollow after Percival's imprisonment, becoming neighbors of Bathilda Bagshot [DH-8]; an uncontrollable Ariana, barely seven years old, is kept out of sight the rest of her days [DH-11,28].
Sep 1, 1892Next year. Albus Dumbledore and Elphias Doge start at Hogwarts [DH-2].
summer, 1893By end of Albus' first school year. Albus establishes himself as a brilliant student; he decides he wishes to teach [DH-2].
Sep 1, 1895Aberforth Dumbledore starts at Hogwarts [DH-2].
189816-year-old Gellert Grindelwald expelled from Durmstrang [DH-18].
summer, 1899Just after Albus leaves Hogwarts (end of his seventh year) his mother Kendra dies [DH-2], not from an alleged backfiring charm [DH-18], but is accidentally killed by fourteen-year-old Ariana [DH-28].
summer, 1899Next day. Seventeen-year-old Albus Dumbledore and Elphias Doge were to begin their year-long Grand Tour [DH-2,18].
summer, 1899Same summer. Grindelwald goes to live in Godric's Hollow, befriending Albus Dumbledore [DH-18], seeking information on the Deathly Hallows [DH-35]. Albus concentrated on Grindelwald and neglected Ariana, according to Aberforth [DH-28].
1899Two months later [DH-35], just before beginning of Aberforth's next school year. Albus' sister Ariana dies [DH-2,28] at the unknown hand of Albus, Aberforth, or Grindelwald; Grindelwald flees [DH-18,28].
1899Aberforth breaks Albus' nose at Ariana's funeral [DH-8].
?A young golden-haired Grindelwald [DH-14,17,18] steals the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch [DH-14,22], becoming its master [DH-36].
1907Merope Gaunt born [HBP-10].
summer, 1917Frank Bryce born (was about to turn 77) [GoF-1].
1918Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them commissioned [FB].
Oct 4, 1920'sMinerva McGonagall born. JKR said that she is 70 in one of the interviews [ ? ].
1925Morfin Gaunt attacks Tom Riddle senior in the early morning hours. Bob Ogden visits the Gaunts' hovel outside Little Hangleton; Marvolo shows him his Peverell ring and Slytherin's locket (worn by Merope). Tom Riddle senior rides by with his girlfriend. Marvolo and Morfin Gaunt arrested [HBP-10].
Sep 14, 1925Marvolo Gaunt sentenced to six months in Azkaban; Morfin Gaunt gets three years [HBP-10].
late 1925Tom Riddle senior (under influence of a love potion) marries 18-year-old Merope Gaunt [HBP-10].
first half, 1926Merope Riddle stops using love potion on her husband and he leaves her after discovering she is a witch [GoF-33, HBP-10].
1926Marvolo Gaunt released from Azkaban; he dies sometime before Morfin Gaunt gets out [HBP-10].
1926Cleansweep Broom Company established [QTtA-9].
Dec, 1926Just before Christmas. Merope sells Slytherin's locket to Caractacus Burke for ten Galleons [HBP-13].
Dec 31, 1926A bitter cold New Year's Eve night. Tom Marvolo Riddle is born in the orphanage; Merope Riddle dies shortly after naming him [HBP-10,13, JKR website].
1927Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them published [FB].
Dec 6, 1928Rubeus Hagrid is born (year based on Hagrid's year explanation below) [JKR website].
1929Comet Trading Company established [QTtA-9].
1930'sMinerva McGonagall begins at Hogwarts. Exact year is unknown; JKR said that she is 70 in one of the interviews [ ? ]. So she may have been at school for at least some of Voldemort's years.
1931Hagrid's mother (Fridwulfa) leaves him and his father [GoF-23].
1932Ilfracombe Incident (dragon attack on Muggles) [FB].
1938Dumbledore visits an 11-year old Tom Riddle at the orphanage [HBP-13].
Sep 1, 1938Tom Marvolo Riddle (Voldemort) starts at Hogwarts [see Notes below for explanation]; he begins calling himself Lord Voldemort "within a few short years" [HBP-13].
Sep 1, 1940Rubeus Hagrid starts at Hogwarts [see Notes below for explanation].
1941-1942Hagrid's father dies during his second year [GoF-24].
Jun 13, 1943Myrtle found dead in the bathroom by Olive Hornby [CoS-13, GoF-25]. The CoS, PoA, and GoF DVDs place this event in 1942. Her death is used to create the diary Horcrux [Bloomsbury chat].
Jun, 1943Aragog chased out of Hogwarts and Hagrid expelled [SS-4, CoS-13].
summer, 194316-year-old Voldemort visits Morfin Gaunt, stuns him, and borrows his wand [HBP-17]. Tom Riddle Sr. (Tom Marvolo Riddle's father) and his parents are murdered; Frank Bryce is blamed, though not charged due to lack of evidence. Frank claims he saw a pale, dark-haired teenage boy near the house on the day of the murders [GoF-1, HBP-17]. Riddle steals Morfin's ring and implants a false memory [HBP-17]. Riddle, Sr's death is used to create the ring Horcrux [Bloomsbury chat].
summer, 1943Morfin is sent to Azkaban for the murders and dies there (but not before Dumbledore retrieves his memory a few weeks before his death) [HBP-17].
1943Voldemort already knew how to make a Horcrux even before meeting with Slughorn, according to Dumbledore [DH-6].
last half, 194311pm. Sixth-year prefect Tom Riddle, now wearing Marvolo's Peverell ring, visits with Professor Slughorn and discusses Horcruxes [HBP-17,23].
Sep 1, 1944Tom Marvolo Riddle (Voldemort) starts final year at Hogwarts [extrapolated from first year].
1945Dumbledore defeats Grindelwald [SS-6], becoming the Elder Wand's master [DH-36]; Grindelwald is imprisoned in Nurmengard [DH-18].
1945Harry speculates Voldemort may have sought the Ravenclaw diadem after leaving school, but before beginning at Borgin and Burkes [DH-31]. An Albanian peasant's death is used to create the diadem Horcrux [Bloomsbury chat].
1945Voldemort goes to work at Borgin and Burkes [HBP-20].
?Voldemort visits Hepzibah Smith to buy goblin-made armor, and is shown Hufflepuff's cup and Slytherin's locket [HBP-20].
?Two days later. Hepzibah Smith dies from drinking poisoned cocoa [HBP-20]. Her death is used to create the cup Horcrux; a Muggle tramp's death is used to create the locket Horcrux [Bloomsbury chat].
?Voldemort resigns from Borgin and Burkes and vanishes [HBP-20].
?Hokey the house-elf is convicted of her mistress's "accidental" death [HBP-20].
1947Werewolf Register created by Newt Scamander [FB].
late 1940'sThe Half-Blood Prince's potions books printed [HBP-16].
1952Quidditch Through the Ages published [FB].
1955Narcissa Black is born [Daily Telegraph article photo].
Dec, 1956Minerva McGonagall begins teaching at Hogwarts [OotP-15].
Sep/Oct, 1959Sirius Black is born. Sirius was 22 when he was carted off to Azkaban in early Nov, 1981 [JKR website]. For him to be in James' year, rather than the year before, he would had to have just missed the age cutoff limit, similar to Hermione, making him the oldest Marauder.
Jan 9, 1960Severus Snape is born [JKR website].
Jan 30, 1960Lily Evans is born [DH-16].
Mar 10, 1960Remus Lupin is born [JKR website].
Mar 27, 1960James Potter is born [DH-16].
1960'sRemus Lupin bitten by werewolf at a very young age [PoA-18].
1960's-1970'sAlbus Dumbledore becomes Hogwarts Headmaster sometime before Remus begins school [PoA-18], replacing Armando Dippet [OotP-22].
?Snowy night. Ten years after Voldemort murders and robs Hepzibah Smith. By now Dumbledore has been offered the post of Minister of Magic three times. Voldemort has started to undergo his transformations and his followers have become known as 'Death Eaters'. Dumbledore has become Hogwarts headmaster [HBP-20]. Voldemort likely hides the Ravenclaw tiara Horcrux in the Room of Requirement during his visit [DH-31]. Voldemort sees Dumbledore about the open DADA position; Dumbledore refuses him. DADA position is cursed from now on [HBP-20].
1962Nobby Leach becomes Minister of Magic (until 1968) [JKR website].
1963The Philosophy of the Mundane: Why the Muggles Prefer Not to Know published [FB].
1965Ban on Experimental Breeding passed [FB].
Sep 1, 1965Lucius Malfoy starts at Hogwarts [extrapolated from age in OotP-15].
1967Nimbus Racing Broom Company established [QTtA-9].
Sep 1, 1968Bertha Jorkins starts at Hogwarts (was a few years ahead of James and Sirius) [GoF-19].
1969-1970Nine or ten-year-old Snape spies on Lily and Petunia Evans; he tells Lily she's a witch, much to Petunia's chagrin [DH-33].
1970Voldemort begins his ascension [SS-1].
Nov 29, 1970Bill Weasley is born (since his birthday is November 29, and no one starts Hogwarts before they're eleven according to Jo's website, this sets his year firmly) [JKR website].
1970-1971Shortly before they begin school. Snape explains the Hogwarts letters to Lily, and mentions Azkaban; Petunia is eavesdropping [DH-33].
1971The Shrieking Shack is built and Whomping Willow planted to accommodate Remus Lupin coming to Hogwarts [PoA-18].
Sep 1, 1971James Potter, the rest of the Marauders, Lily, and Snape start at Hogwarts [DH-16]. Petunia is jealous of Lily leaving for Hogwarts; her letter asking to be admitted has been politely declined. Snape encounters James and Sirius on Hogwarts Express. MWPP, Lily, and Snape are sorted; prefect Lucius Malfoy welcomes Snape to Slytherin House [DH-33].
Dec 12, 1972Charlie Weasley is born [JKR website].
1972 or 1973James, Sirius, and Peter start trying to become Animagi (it took 3 years) [PoA-18].
1973Appeal against House-Elf Slavery defeated [JKR website].
1975Regulus Black becomes enamored with Voldemort and his Death Eaters; he begins saving press clippings [DH-10].
1975-1976James, Sirius, and Peter finally manage to successfully become Animagi in their fifth year [PoA-18].
1975-197616-year-old Sirius sends Snape to meet Remus Lupin in werewolf form as a joke; James saves Snape's life by stopping him just after Snape sees Lupin; Snape resents it [PoA-21, DH-33].
1975-1976A few days later. Lily doesn't like the company Snape keeps (Avery, Mulciber) or their Dark Magic. Snape tells Lily James fancies her [DH-33].
Jun, 1976Snape hung upside down by James; Snape calls Lily a "Mudblood" [OotP-28, DH-33]. Snape apologizes to Lily for the insult [DH-33].
197616-year-old Sirius runs away from home and stays with James Potter's family for a summer, then gets his own place once he turns 17, using gold left to him by Uncle Alphard [OotP-6].
Aug 22, 1976Percy Weasley is born [JKR website].
1977-1978James and Lily start dating in their seventh year [OotP-29].
Apr 1, 1978Fred and George Weasley are born [JKR website].
Jun, 1978James Potter leaves Hogwarts at end of his seventh year [extrapolated from when he started school].
197816-year old Regulus Black joins the Death Eaters [DH-10].
1979A year after Regulus joins the Death Eaters. Regulus orders Kreacher to obey the Dark Lord, then return. In the cave Kreacher drinks the basin's potion; Voldemort places his locket in the basin, refills it, and leaves. Kreacher Disapparates back home, where he is told to hide by Regulus [DH-10].
1979Sirius' brother Regulus Black, a wanna-be Death Eater, is killed (allegedly by one of Voldemort's followers when he tries to quit) [OotP-6], only a few days after he goes into hiding, according to Lupin [HBP-6]. Regulus returns with Kreacher to Voldemort's cave. He orders Kreacher to switch the lockets, leave, and not tell his family what happened. Regulus drinks the potion. Kreacher fails to destroy the locket [DH-10].
Sep 19, 1979Hermione Granger is born; this makes her the oldest of the Trio [PoA-4, JKR website].
Oct 31, 1979Halloween. Harry Potter is conceived (assuming exactly nine month pregnancy) [extrapolated from his birth date].
Mar 1, 1980Ron Weasley is born [JKR website, Comic Relief interview].
Jun 5, 1980Draco Malfoy is born [JKR website, Daily Telegraph article photo].
Jun, 1980Dudley Dursley is born (sometime before beginning of summer break; Harry is approximately Dudley's age, according to Uncle Vernon) [SS-1,3]. Dudley is a month older than Harry [HBP-3].
Jun, 1980Sibyll Trelawney makes her prediction to Albus Dumbledore at the Hog's Head Inn "shortly before [Harry's] birth" (assuming that Dumbledore meant *exactly* sixteen years ago, though it was a "cold, wet night", and so may actually be earlier in the year) [OotP-37].
?Snape has told Voldemort all he knows of the Prophecy. Snape informs Dumbledore Voldy is targeting Lily. Snape asks Lily be spared; he only cares about her [DH-33].
Jul 30, 1980Neville Longbottom is born [JKR website].
Jul 31, 1980Harry Potter is born [JKR website, PoA DVD].
Sep 1, 1980Trelawney begins teaching at Hogwarts (she's been at it for "nearly sixteen years") [OotP-15]. Snape possibly begins teaching at Hogwarts [see Notes below for explanation].
1980Millicent Bagnold becomes Minister of Magic (until 1990) [JKR website].
1980Igor Karkaroff caught by Ministry and imprisoned in Azkaban sometime before Rosier and Wilkes are killed [GoF-30].
1980Antonin Dolohov caught by Ministry and imprisoned in Azkaban (was caught after Karkaroff) [GoF-30].
1980Evan Rosier and Wilkes killed (Rosier by Moody) [GoF-30], a year before Voldemort vanished [GoF-27].
1980Peter Pettigrew begins passing information to Voldemort, according to Sirius, a year before James and Lily died [PoA-19]. Date is unknown; may be before or after Moody kills Rosier.
Jul 31, 1981Harry's 1st Birthday. Sirius gets him a toy broom [DH-10].
Aug 11, 1981Ginny Weasley is born [JKR website].
?Voldemort gives his Horcrux diary to Lucius shortly before vanishing [HBP-23].
Oct 24, 1981Fidelius Charm performed to try to protect the Potters (barely a week before they are killed) [PoA-10].
Oct, 1981Weekend. Wormtail visits James and Lily; he seems "down". News of the McKinnon's deaths known [DH-10].
Oct, 1981A few days before James and Lily die. James gives Dumbledore his Cloak [DH-35].
Oct, 1981Lily writes letter to Sirius. James and Lily shut in their house. Lily complains that Dumbledore still has James' Cloak [DH-10].
Oct 31, 1981Halloween night [SS-4, DH-17]. James and Lily Potter murdered by Voldemort; Voldemort becomes disembodied [SS-1,4]. Hagrid rescues Harry from the rubble and borrows Sirius' bike [SS-4, PoA-10, GoF DVD]. In his office Dumbledore informs Snape Lily is dead (Harry is the only survivor); he reminds Snape of Lily's eyes. Snape agrees to protect Lily's son; Dumbledore is to never tell anyone, especially not Harry [DH-33].
Nov, 1981Tuesday (next day). Vernon goes to work but doesn't see owls flying around. Dursleys go to bed as a cat (McGonagall) sits out on their front wall [SS-1].
Nov, 1981Next day, very early a.m.. Harry Potter is delivered to his Aunt's house, where he will be discovered by Aunt Petunia a few hours later [SS-1]. During the day Peter Pettigrew vanishes and Sirius Black is captured by Fudge, et al. (I assume this didn't occur the day before as neither McGonagall nor Dumbledore mention it when they meet on Privet Drive) [PoA-10].
Nov 5, 1981Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes day) [SS-1].
?Voldemort's disembodied spirit flees to a forest in Albania and waits for a faithful servant to find him to return him to a body, but none come until Quirrell finds him [GoF-33].
?Igor Karkaroff gives info on fellow DEs after Voldemort's downfall to get himself out of Azkaban [GoF-30].
?Ludo Bagman, tried after Karkaroff, confirms that Augustus Rookwood was passing info to Voldemort [GoF-30].
?Barty Crouch, Jr., Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange, and Rabastan Lestrange [OotP-6] tried for torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom [GoF-30].
1982Aberforth Dumbledore convicted of misuse of magic on goats [DH-2].
Sep 1, 1982Bill Weasley starts at Hogwarts [see Notes below for explanation].
?Mrs. Crouch switches places with her son, Barty, in Azkaban [GoF-35], a year after his incarceration [GoF-27,30].
Sep 1, 1984Charlie Weasley starts at Hogwarts [see Notes below for explanation].
1985Sirius Black's mother dies and twelve Grimmauld Place lies empty, except for Kreacher, for nearly a decade [OotP-5].
Jun, 1985Dudley's fifth Birthday. Aunt Marge uses her walking stick to stop Harry beating Dudley at musical statues [PoA-2].
Jun, 1985Gryffindor wins House cup for last time before a six year drought ('84-'85 school year) [SS-13].
1986Last time Dursleys give Harry pocket money [CoS-5].
Jun, 1986Slytherin begins its 6-year winning streak for the House Cup ('85-'86 through '90-'91 school years) [SS-17, CoS-5].
1987Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles published [FB].
Jun, 1987Gryffindor wins Quidditch cup for last time before a seven year drought ('86-'87 school year) [PoA-8,12].
Sep 1, 1987Percy Weasley starts at Hogwarts [extrapolated from years at school].
Dec 25, 1988Christmas. A "few years" after Dudley's fifth birthday party. Aunt Marge gives Dudley a toy robot; Harry gets dog biscuits [PoA-2].
Sep 1, 1989Fred and George Weasley start at Hogwarts [extrapolated from years at school].
1989Fred and George nick Marauder's Map from Filch's office during their first year at school [PoA-10].
1990Quirrell takes a year off (presumably from teaching) to get some first-hand experience [SS-4] and encounters Voldemort on his travels [SS-17].
1990Cornelius Fudge elected Minister of Magic (until 1996) [OotP-10, JKR website].
Jun, 1990The year before Harry starts at Hogwarts. Aunt Marge's dog Ripper chases Harry up a tree [PoA-2].
Jul 31, 1990Harry's 10th Birthday. Harry gets a coat hanger and a pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks [SS-3].
Sorcerer's Stone (Philosopher's Stone)
Jun 24, 1991Saturday. Dudley's 11th Birthday. Harry, Dudley, and Piers Polkiss go to zoo; Harry accidentally sets a boa constrictor free [SS-2]. Exact date from "month-old video camera" in Dudley's second bedroom [SS-3].
summer, 1991Percy receives Hermes for becoming a prefect [SS-6, CoS-3]; Ron inherits Scabbers [SS-6].
Jul 23, 1991Monday [extrapolated]. Dudley tries on his new Smeltings uniform [SS-3].
Jul 24, 1991Tuesday [extrapolated] (next day). Aunt Petunia dyes Harry's school uniform. Harry receives his first letter and nearly gets it open when Uncle Vernon snatches it from him. Harry is moved to the upstairs bedroom (Dudley's former toy room) [SS-3, PoA DVD].
Jul 25, 1991Wednesday [extrapolated] (next day). Dudley retrieves Harry's next letter and he, Harry, and Uncle Vernon fight over it [SS-3].
Jul 26, 1991Thursday [extrapolated] (next day). Harry treads on Uncle Vernon trying to get out to the postman to get his letters; Vernon stays home that day to destroy the three letters that arrive [SS-3].
Jul 27, 1991Friday (next day). Twelve Hogwarts letters arrive for Harry [SS-3].
Jul 28, 1991Saturday (next day). Twenty four Hogwarts letters arrive for Harry, hidden inside eggs [SS-3].
Jul 29, 1991Sunday (next day). Thirty to forty Hogwarts letters for Harry fly down the chimney, prompting Vernon to pack the car and leave [SS-3].
Jul 30, 1991Monday (next day). Staying at Railview hotel in Cokeworth, Harry receives about 100 Hogwarts letters [SS-3].
Jul 31, 1991Tuesday (next day). Harry's 11th Birthday. Rubeus Hagrid delivers Hogwarts letter to Harry just after midnight on his eleventh birthday [SS-4] and then escorts him to Diagon Alley that morning. Harry meets Professor Quirrell and shakes his hand. Harry gets Hedwig and learns his wand shares the same core as Voldemort's [SS-5]. There is an attempted break-in at Gringotts, but nothing is stolen as the vault had been emptied earlier in the day [SS-8, PoA DVD].
Aug, 1991Voldemort inhabits Quirrell's body shortly after he fails to steal the Philosopher's Stone from Gringotts [SS-17].
Sep 1, 1991Harry takes the Hogwarts Express along with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger to school for the first time [SS-6]. HRH sorted into Gryffindor. Seamus is a half-blood [SS-7, PoA DVD].
Sep 2, 1991Next day. Harry and Ron caught by Filch accidentally trying to open Fluffy's door [SS-8].
early Sep, 1991First week of school. Fred and George find secret passage out of Hogwarts behind statue of Gregory the Smarmy [SS-9].
Sep, 1991Wednesday. Midnight Astronomy [SS-8].
Sep, 1991Thursday. Transfiguration. Defense Against the Dark Arts; students notice funny smell coming from Quirrell's turban [SS-8].
Sep, 1991Friday (next day). Double Potions (only lasts an hour) with Slytherins. Snape quizzes Harry. Seamus takes Neville to hospital wing. 3pm: Ron meets Hagrid. Harry reads story about Gringotts break-in [SS-8]. The GoF DVD places this in Sep 7, but if Sep 1 is a Sunday (it always seems to be), then the DVD is wrong as it took place the end of Harry's first week.
Sep, 1991Snape gives his opinion on Harry to Dumbledore; Dumbledore tells Snape to keep an eye on Quirrell [DH-33].
Sep, 1991Thursday (next week). Neville gets his Remembrall. First flying lesson at 3:30pm. Neville breaks his wrist. Harry catches Remembrall and becomes Gryffindor Seeker. Draco challenges Harry to a Wizards' duel [SS-9].
Sep, 1991Friday (next day), very early a.m. HRH and Neville run into Peeves, then Filch, then Fluffy [SS-9]. The PoA DVD puts this as Sep 7, but it can't be if they arrive on the first and start classes Monday the second (the seventh would be a Saturday).
Sep, 1991Next week. Harry gets his Nimbus; Hermione no longer speaking to Harry or Ron. First Quidditch practice that evening [SS-10].
Oct 31, 1991Halloween. Charms that morning (Wingardium Leviosa). Harry and Ron rescue Hermione from troll [SS-10, PoA DVD].
early Nov, 1991Hermione lends Quidditch Through the Ages to Harry [SS-11].
Nov 9, 1991First Quidditch match vs. Slytherin [SS-11]. Quirrell tries to throw Harry from his broom, but Snape saves him [SS-17]. Hagrid lets slip Nicolas Flamel's name [SS-11, PoA DVD].
early Dec, 1991HRH begin searching library for Flamel (had been looking for two weeks before start of Christmas break) [SS-12].
mid Dec, 1991Two days before Christmas break. Potions in morning. Christmas decorations go up [SS-12].
Dec 25, 1991Christmas. Harry gets his father's old Invisibility Cloak back and encounters the Mirror of Erised and sees his parents [SS-12, PoA DVD]. The Cloak is one of the Hallows, handed down through the Peverell line [DH-35].
Dec 26, 1991Next night. Harry and Ron visit Mirror of Erised; they're almost caught by Mrs. Norris [SS-12].
Dec 27, 1991Next night. Harry visits Mirror of Erised for third time and encounters Dumbledore [SS-12].
Dec, 1991Next day. Mirror of Erised moved [SS-12].
early Jan, 1992Day before start of term. Hermione returns to school [SS-13].
Jan, 1992Harry learns Snape will be refereeing next match. Neville and Leg-Locker curse; Harry finds Flamel [SS-13].
Jan, 1992Next day. Defense Against the Dark Arts in the morning (werewolf bites) [SS-13].
Feb, 1992Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff. Harry catches Snitch in record time. Harry overhears Snape and Quirrell in the forest [SS-13].
Mar, 1992Hermione draws up study schedules; exams are ten weeks away [SS-14].
Apr, 1992Studying during Easter holidays [SS-14].
Apr, 1992Hagrid wins a dragon egg in a card game [SS-14].
Apr, 1992Next day. HRH discuss the protections guarding the Philosopher's Stone with Hagrid and see the dragon egg [SS-14].
Apr/May, 1992Herbology in the morning. HRH watch Norbert hatch at Hagrid's [SS-14].
May, 1992Wednesday. Second week after Norbert's hatching; Ron is bitten [SS-14].
May, 1992Thursday (next day), early a.m. Charlie's return letter arrives. Later that day, Ron goes to hospital for infected bite. Draco takes book with Charlie's note in it [SS-14].
May, 1992Saturday (following Saturday). Nearing midnight. Harry and Hermione sneak Norbert to tallest tower. Charlie's friends whisk Norbert away. Harry and Hermione caught coming down tower without Invisibility Cloak [SS-14].
May, 1992Sunday (next day), very early a.m. Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Draco lose points (50 each for HHN) for being out of bounds after curfew and are given detention [SS-15].
late May, 1992A week before exams begin. Harry overhears Quirrell cowering from someone's punishment; Harry incorrectly assumes it is from Snape [SS-15].
late May, 1992Next day. 11pm. HHN and Draco go to Hagrid's for detention [SS-15].
late May, 1992Very early next day. Harry and Draco encounter Voldemort in Forbidden Forest. HRH talk until morning light and Harry gets his Invisibility Cloak back [SS-15].
Jun 4, 1992Last day of exams (History of Magic). See owl flying to castle (likely Quirrell's owl to Dumbledore). HRH see Hagrid about dragon egg. HRH go to see Dumbledore, but he's already gone to Ministry of Magic. Dinner. Nighttime; Lee Jordan finally goes to bed. HRH try to sneak out, but are caught by Neville. Encounter Peeves. HRH go down through trapdoor and through seven puzzles (Fluffy, Devil's Snare, flying keys, chessboard, unconscious troll, potions, Mirror of Erised) [SS-16]. Harry encounters Quirrell (and Voldemort) standing before Mirror of Erised and fights him over the Philosopher's Stone by touching his skin [SS-17, PoA DVD].
early Jun, 1992Gryffindor is steamrollered by Ravenclaw in the last Quidditch match of the year [SS-17]; their worst loss in 300 years [CoS-7].
early Jun, 1992Three days after fight with Quirrell, Harry wakes in hospital wing and is visited by Dumbledore and Ron and Hermione [SS-17].
Jun 8, 1992Next day. Hagrid visits Harry in the hospital. End-of-year feast [SS-17, PoA DVD].
Jun, 1992Voldemort flees back to Albanian forest to wait once more [GoF-33].
Chamber of Secrets
Jul 31, 1992Harry's 12th Birthday. Two green eyes appear in hedge at Privet Drive [CoS-1]. Masons come for dinner. Dobby visits Harry and drops pudding on floor. Harry is blamed and receives warning for Hover Charm [CoS-2, PoA DVD].
Aug 1, 1992Next day. Bars are put on Harry's window and a cat flap is installed on the locked door to Harry's bedroom [CoS-2].
Aug 3, 1992Percy gets his O.W.L. results the day before Harry arrives [CoS-4].
Aug 4, 1992Next day. Ron, Fred, and George break Harry out and take him to the Burrow in flying Ford Anglia. Harry, et al. de-gnome the garden [CoS-3]. According to the PoA and GoF DVDs this occurs on August 3, but the book puts it as "Three days later" (after Vernon put the bars on Harry's window).
Aug 11, 1992A week after Harry arrives at the Burrow, they get their letters from Hogwarts and one from Hermione [CoS-4]. Ginny's 11th birthday isn't mentioned in the book.
Aug 19, 1992Wednesday. Harry uses Floo powder for the first time and ends up in Knockturn Alley. Harry hides in the Vanishing Cabinet and sees the Hand of Glory while Lucius Malfoy sells illegal items. Harry meets Gilderoy Lockhart in Diagon Alley. Mr. Weasley attacks Lucius in Flourish and Blotts [CoS-4]. Lucius likely places Riddle's diary in Ginny's cauldron at Flourish and Blotts [CoS-18, PoA DVD].
Sep 1, 1992Harry, et al. drive to King's Cross station in Ford Anglia (doubling back three times for fireworks, a broomstick, and Ginny's (Riddle's) diary). Ron and Harry can't pass through the barrier and so fly the Ford Anglia back to school and crash into Whomping Willow. Ron and Harry are not expelled, but get detentions instead [CoS-5, PoA DVD].
Sep 2, 1992Next day. Ron gets a Howler. Double Herbology (HRH repot Mandrakes and Harry meets Justin Finch-Fletchley, a Muggle-born) and Transfiguration (beetles into buttons) in morning. Harry meets Colin Creevey. Defense Against the Dark Arts in afternoon (Cornish pixies wreak havoc) [CoS-6, PoA DVD]. The PoA and GoF DVDs put HRH's first class with Lockhart on the third, but it all occurs on one day in the book.
Sep, 1992Friday. Charms in morning [CoS-7].
Sep, 1992Next day. First Saturday at beginning of term. Early morning Quidditch practice. Colin Creevey bugs Harry. Slytherin gets Malfoy as a Seeker and new brooms. Ron's slug curse backfires and Harry learns about Mudbloods. Harry hears voice that night for first time in detention with Lockhart [CoS-7, PoA DVD]. If September 1 is a Sunday (it always seems to be), then the Sep 5 date the PoA-DVD lists is wrong.
Sep 19, 1992According to the CoS DVD Hermione turns 12, but Jo has said that Hermione was 11 when she started Hogwarts, and so would be 13 this year. The GoF DVD corrects this.
early Oct, 1992Ginny looking pale; receives Pepperup potion [CoS-8].
late Oct, 1992Peeves smashes Vanishing Cabinet. Harry discovers Filch is a Squib. Harry agrees to attend Sir Nick's Deathday party [CoS-8].
Oct 31, 1992Halloween. HRH attend Deathday party and meet Moaning Myrtle. Harry hears voice again and follows it to a petrified Mrs. Norris and a message about the Chamber of Secrets being open [CoS-8,9].
early Nov, 1992Wednesday. Potions in morning (scrape tubeworms off desks). History of Magic in afternoon (Professor Binns talks about the Chamber of Secrets). HRH investigate scene of the crime and see spiders; Ron is terrified of them. Ginny is very upset. Hermione explains Polyjuice Potion [CoS-9].
Nov, 1992Friday. Defense Against the Dark Arts (Harry does werewolf impression for Lockhart). Hermione gets Lockhart's signature and checks out Moste Potente Potions [CoS-10].
Nov, 1992Saturday (next day). Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Bludger breaks Harry's arm and Lockhart vanishes his bones. Dobby visits Harry in hospital and confesses to blocking the barrier and the rogue Bludger. Dobby explains how to free a house-elf. A petrified Colin Creevey is brought to the hospital [CoS-10].
Nov, 1992Sunday (next day). Ron and Hermione start Polyjuice Potion. Harry gets out of hospital [CoS-11].
Dec, 1992Second week of the month. McGonagall collects names of those staying for Christmas [CoS-11].
Dec 10, 1992Thursday. Double Potions in afternoon (Swelling Solution). Hermione steals Polyjuice ingredients from Snape's office [CoS-11, PoA DVD].
Dec 17, 1992Next Thursday. Dueling Club. Harry speaks Parseltongue and stops snake from attacking Justin Finch-Fletchley [CoS-11, PoA DVD].
Dec 18, 1992Friday (next day). Herbology cancelled. Harry looks for Justin Finch-Fletchley in library, runs into Hagrid who is carrying a dead rooster, and runs into a Petrified Sir Nick and Finch-Fletchley. Harry taken to Dumbledore's office [CoS-11]. Harry asks Sorting Hat if it put him in the right house. Fawkes bursts into flames and Dumbledore tells Harry about phoenixes [CoS-12, PoA DVD].
Dec 25, 1992Christmas. Harry and Ron Polyjuice into Goyle and Crabbe; Hermione is partly turned into a cat [CoS-12, GoF DVD].
winterSecret passage behind mirror on fourth floor caves in during the winter [PoA-10].
Jan, 1993Harry and Ron find diary in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom [CoS-13].
early Feb, 1993Hermione out of hospital [CoS-13].
early Feb, 1993Next day. HRH visit trophy room [CoS-13].
Feb 14, 1993Valentine's Day. Harry gets a Valentine from Ginny. Charms in the afternoon. Diary remains unstained by spilled ink. Harry transports into diary memory of June 13, 1943 and sees Tom Riddle catch Hagrid with Aragog [CoS-13].
Mar-Apr, 1993Easter Holidays. Harry, et al. pick new subjects for third year [CoS-14].
Mar-Apr, 1993Friday. Riddle's diary stolen from Harry [CoS-14].
early Apr, 1993Saturday (next day). Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff. Harry hears voice again and Hermione realizes where it is coming from. Quidditch is cancelled. Harry and Ron see Petrified Hermione and Penelope Clearwater. Harry and Ron visit Hagrid. Hagrid is arrested; Dumbledore suspended. Hagrid tells Harry to visit the spiders. Hagrid sent to Azkaban [CoS-14] for two months [PoA-3]. The PoA and GoF DVDs put Hagrid's incarceration on May 8, which would mean Hagrid spent less than one month in Azkaban. I went with the PoA-3 reference instead.
May 24, 1993Potions. Herbology (Abyssinian Shrivelfigs). Defense Against the Dark Arts. [CoS-15]
May 25, 1993Next day, very early a.m. Harry and Ron visit Aragog and are saved by the Ford Anglia. Hagrid was innocent and Moaning Myrtle was the one killed the last time the Chamber was opened [CoS-15, PoA DVD]. Transfiguration (later that morning). One week before exams are supposed to begin [CoS-16].
May 29, 1993Three days before exams. Ginny tries to tell Harry and Ron something. Mandrakes are ready; Harry and Ron visit Hermione in hospital for last time and find note in her hand. Ginny is taken into the Chamber. Harry and Ron take Lockhart into Chamber after sunset; Lockhart's Memory Charm backfires [CoS-16]. Harry meets Tom Riddle and learns he is Voldemort. Harry kills basilisk with the help of Fawkes and the Sorting Hat. He destroys diary (and Riddle's memory and Horcrux), saving Ginny [CoS-17, HBP-23]. Dumbledore informs Harry that Voldemort left a part of himself inside him and that Harry isn't in Slytherin because of his choices. Harry frees Dobby by giving Lucius Riddle's diary stuffed in his sock. Hermione and others unpetrified. Exams cancelled at late night feast (ate in their pajamas). Hagrid freed from Azkaban [CoS-18, PoA DVD]. The PoA DVD gives Dobby's freedom and Hagrid's return as May 30th.
late May, 1993Lucius sacked as school governor [CoS-18].
Jun 1, 1993Exams were supposed to begin [CoS-16].
mid Jun, 1993Harry, et al. return to King's Cross station [CoS-18].
Prisoner of Azkaban
mid Jun, 1993First week of summer holidays. Harry picks lock on cupboard to get his books [PoA-1].
mid Jun, 1993One week into summer holiday. Ron Weasley calls Harry on phone, but gets Uncle Vernon instead [PoA-1].
late Jul, 1993Weasleys travel to Egypt for a month, scheduled to return about a week before term starts [PoA-1].
late Jul, 1993Percy becomes Head Boy about a week before Harry's birthday [PoA-1].
late Jul, 1993Cornelius Fudge inspects Azkaban Prison and gives Sirius Daily Prophet paper containing picture of Ron and his family on vacation in Egypt [PoA-19].
Jul 31, 1993Harry's 13th Birthday. Very early a.m. Harry receives his first Birthday cards ever from Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid. Ron sends him a press clipping showing his family on vacation in Egypt; Scabbers is sitting on Ron's shoulder. Harry receives Hogsmeade permission slip that needs signing [PoA-1]. Fudge visits Muggle Prime Minister about Sirius Black [HBP-1]. Sirius Black's escape is carried on the Muggle news. Aunt Marge comes to visit [PoA-2, GoF DVD].
Aug 7, 1993Harry blows up Aunt Marge, runs away, encounters the Knight Bus, and is found by Cornelius Fudge at the Leaky Cauldron [PoA-2,3, PoA DVD]. It's August eighth when the Knight Bus drops Harry off, according to the PoA and GoF DVDs.
Aug 31, 1993Harry meets Ron and Hermione in Diagon Alley; Hermione buys Crookshanks [PoA-4, GoF DVD].
Sep 1, 1993Harry, et al. go back to school. Harry encounters a dementor (he hears a woman screaming) and Lupin on the train [PoA-5]. McGonagall gives Hermione the Time-Turner [PoA-21]. Hagrid starts as Care of Magical Creatures professor [PoA-5, PoA DVD].
Sep 2, 1993Next day. Sir Cadogan shows HRH the way to the Divination classroom where Trelawney sees a Grim in Harry's tea leaves. Transfiguration (Animagi). Care of Magical Creatures (Draco slashed by Buckbeak) after lunch [PoA-6, PoA DVD].
Sep, 1993Thursday (same week). Double Potions in morning (Shrinking Solution). Defense Against the Dark Arts (the whole class except Harry and Hermione face down a boggart) [PoA-7]. The PoA-DVD puts this on September 9, but it occurs in the first week in the book.
early Oct, 1993Quidditch practice begins [PoA-8].
Oct, 1993Notice of first Hogsmeade weekend goes up. Crookshanks goes after Scabbers in the common room [PoA-8].
Oct 16, 1993Next day. Herbology (puffapods). Lavender finds out her pet rabbit died, confirming Trelawney's "prediction". Transfiguration (Hogsmeade permissions forms) [PoA-8].
Oct 31, 1993Halloween. First Hogsmeade weekend. Harry watches Snape give Lupin his medicine. While students are at dinner, Fat Lady is attacked by Sirius Black [PoA-8, PoA DVD].
early Nov, 1993Next day. Sir Cadogan replaces Fat Lady at Gryffindor Tower entrance hole [PoA-9].
Nov, 1993Friday [extrapolated]. Snape replaces Lupin as DADA teacher; Lupin is too ill to teach; Harry is late and loses 15 points; Hermione loses 5 for being an "insufferable know-it-all". Ron gets detention for sticking up for Hermione. Snape assigns werewolf essay to the class [PoA-9].
Nov 6, 1993Saturday (next day). Crookshanks tries to sneak into the boys' dormitory. First Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff (Slytherin was rescheduled because of Draco's "injured" arm). Harry sees "Grim" (actually Sirius) in the stands and dementors storm the field, causing Harry to hear his mother's pleas to Voldemort to let Harry live, and then falls off his broom. Harry's Nimbus Two Thousand is smashed by the Whomping Willow [PoA-9, PoA DVD].
Nov 7, 1993Sunday (next day). Harry stays in hospital whole weekend; is visited by Wood on Sunday [PoA-10].
Nov 8, 1993Monday (next day). Potions (Ron loses 50 points). Defense Against the Dark Arts (hinkypunks); Lupin agrees to teach Harry to defend himself from dementors after the Christmas holidays [PoA-10, PoA DVD].
end Nov, 1993Ravenclaw flattens Hufflepuff in Quidditch [PoA-10].
Dec 18, 1993Saturday. Hogsmeade weekend (on last weekend of term). Fred and George bequeath the Marauder's Map to Harry. Harry sneaks into Hogsmeade and overhears conversation about Sirius Black and his "betrayal" of James and Lily [PoA-10, PoA DVD].
Dec 19, 1993Sunday [extrapolated] (next day). First day of Christmas holiday. HRH visit Hagrid and learn of Buckbeak's fate [PoA-11, PoA DVD].
Dec, 1993HRH research hippogriffs in the library [PoA-11].
Dec 25, 1993Christmas. Harry gets a Firebolt for Christmas. Crookshanks attacks Scabbers in the boys' dormitory. Lupin is ill and does not attend Christmas dinner. Harry's Firebolt is confiscated after dinner by McGonagall; Harry and Ron (especially Ron) are angry with Hermione [PoA-11].
Jan 2, 1994Hogwarts Express returns after Christmas holiday [PoA DVD].
early Jan, 1994First day back. Care of Magical Creatures (salamanders). Divination (palmistry). Defense Against the Dark Arts (Lupin schedules Harry's Patronus lessons for Thursday evenings) [PoA-12].
Jan 6, 1994Thursday. Harry faces boggart-dementor and hears both his mother and father [PoA-12, PoA DVD].
Jan, 1994Saturday. Week after start-of-term. Slytherin narrowly defeats Ravenclaw in Quidditch [PoA-12].
Feb 3, 1994Thursday. Harry and Lupin discuss what's under a dementor's hood. Harry gets his Firebolt back. Harry and Ron agree to make up with Hermione. Neville loses his list of passwords. Scabbers is gone and his blood is found on Ron's sheets with some of Crookshank's hairs lying on the floor nearby; Ron blames Crookshanks for Scabbers' disappearance [PoA-12, PoA DVD].
early Feb, 1994Saturday. Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw. Draco dresses up like dementor and is knocked down by Harry's corporeal Patronus [PoA-13].
early Feb, 1994Sunday (next day), very early a.m. Ron is "attacked" by Sirius Black and Neville gets detention for "losing" his list of passwords [PoA-13]. Sir Cadogan is fired and the restored Fat Lady is back, protected by security trolls [PoA-14].
Feb 8, 1994Tuesday. Neville gets a Howler from his Gran two days after Ron is attacked. Hagrid talks to Ron and Harry about Buckbeak's case and Hermione [PoA-14, PoA DVD].
Feb, 1994Friday (same week). Hagrid presents case to Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures [PoA-14]. The Ministry's letter in [PoA-11] gives the hearing date as April 20; I went with the narrative in PoA-14 instead.
Feb 12, 1994Saturday (next day). Hogsmeade weekend. Harry attacks Draco and Crabbe while under Invisibility Cloak, but is seen. Snape nearly destroys/confiscates Marauder's Map; Lupin takes Marauder's Map. Hermione gets message that Buckbeak is to be executed [PoA-14]. Ron and Hermione make up [PoA-15, PoA DVD].
Apr, 1994Around Easter. Hermione smacks Draco, misses Charms (Cheering Charms), and quits Divination (crystal balls) all in one day [PoA-15].
Apr, 1994Saturday after Easter. Harry sees "Grim" (Sirius) and Crookshanks out Gryffindor Tower window. Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin; Gryffindor wins Quidditch Cup for first time in seven years [PoA-15].
Jun 3, 1994Monday. First day of exams. Transfiguration exam just before lunch; Charms exam in afternoon [PoA-16].
Jun 4, 1994Tuesday (next day). Care of Magical Creatures exam in morning; Potions exam in afternoon; Astronomy exam at midnight [PoA-16].
Jun 5, 1994Wednesday (next day). History of Magic exam in morning; Herbology exam in afternoon [PoA-16].
Jun 6, 1994Thursday (next day). Last day of exams. Defense Against the Dark Arts exam in morning; Harry greets Minister Fudge on the school steps just before lunch. Hermione has Muggle Studies exam after lunch. Trelawney makes her prediction of resurrection of Dark Lord during Harry's afternoon Divination exam. HRH go to Hagrid's and find Scabbers; Buckbeak apparently executed at sunset [PoA-16]. Sirius drags Ron into Shrieking Shack. Harry has chance to kill person he believes responsible for his parents' deaths, but does not. Hermione reveals Lupin is a werewolf [PoA-17]. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs revealed; Harry hears story about James saving Snape [PoA-18]. HRH attack Snape. Pettigrew revealed. Sirius explains his escape from Azkaban. Harry spares Pettigrew [PoA-19]. Lupin transforms into werewolf. Pettigrew escapes. A mysterious Patronus (from "Future Harry" [PoA-21]) saves Harry, Hermione, and Sirius by the lake [PoA-20]; Harry mistakenly believes his dad conjured it. Harry and Hermione go back three hours in time and follow HRH down to Hagrid's; they free Buckbeak at sunset and wait in Forbidden Forest for HRH and gang to emerge from Whomping Willow. Harry saves himself, Hermione, and Sirius from dementors. Sirius escapes on Buckbeak [PoA-21]. Harry and Hermione sneak back to infirmary and witness Snape's disappointment [PoA-22, PoA DVD].
Jun 7, 1994Friday (next day). Hogsmeade, but HRH don't feel like going. Lupin resigns and gives Harry back Invisibility Cloak and Marauder's Map. Harry informs Dumbledore of Trelawney's second prediction. Dumbledore explains that Pettigrew owes Harry a Wizard's debt [PoA-22].
last day of termExam results. End of term feast [PoA-22].
Jun, 1994Next day. HRH take Hogwarts Express back; Sirius gives Ron an owl [PoA-22] which will be named Pigwidgeon [GoF-5].
Goblet of Fire
Jun, 1994Bertha Jorkins takes vacation to Albania [GoF-36] (had been missing for over a month when Harry is at Weasleys') [GoF-5].
summer, 1994Wormtail searches out and finds Voldemort, bringing Bertha Jorkins to him. Voldemort devises plan to use Barty Crouch, Jr., whom he learns of from Bertha Jorkins, and the Triwizard Tournament to capture Harry Potter so he can restore himself to a true body [GoF-1,33]. Bertha Jorkins' death is used to create the Nagini Horcrux [Bloomsbury chat].
Jul 31, 1994Harry's 14th Birthday. Harry receives four birthday cakes that help him cope with Dudley's new diet [GoF-3].
early Aug, 1994Percy passes Apparation test [GoF-6].
mid Aug, 1994Voldemort and Wormtail stay a week in his father's old house; they cannot act before the Quidditch World Cup is over [GoF-1].
Aug 18, 1994Saturday. Harry wakes from a dream about Voldemort killing Frank Bryce and plotting his death (a fortnight (two weeks) before he returns to school) [GoF-2]. Note that the GoF DVD puts this on Aug 23. He receives a letter from Ron about attending the Quidditch World Cup. Harry writes to Sirius about his scar [GoF-3].
Aug 19, 1994Sunday (next day). Dudley samples a Ton-Tongue Toffee [GoF-5]. Ron, his father, and the twins pick up Harry and they travel by Floo to the Burrow [GoF-4].
Aug 20, 1994Monday (next day). Harry, et al. travel to 422nd Quidditch World Cup by Portkey [GoF-6]. They sit in Top Box [GoF-8] with Barty Crouch, Jr. who steals Harry's wand [GoF-35]. Crouch, Sr. does not watch the match [GoF-27] so that his son may sit in his seat (under Invisibility Cloak) instead [GoF-35]. Note that the GoF DVD puts these events on Aug 25.
Aug 21, 1994Next day, very early a.m. Barty Crouch, Jr. conjures Dark Mark [GoF-9,35]. Winky is sacked by Crouch, Sr. [GoF-9]. Harry, et al. return to the Burrow [GoF-10]. Fudge visits Muggle Prime Minister about Dark Mark and dragons [HBP-1].
Aug, 1994Voldemort and Wormtail arrive at Crouch, Sr.'s house sometime after Quidditch World Cup. Voldemort puts Crouch, Sr. under Imperius Curse and sends him about his normal business [GoF-35].
Aug, 1994Wormtail and Crouch, Jr. prepare Polyjuice Potion for when they attack Alastor Moody [GoF-35].
late Aug, 1994Saturday [extrapolated]. Rita Skeeter finds out about Bertha's disappearance. Harry and Ron get their Dress Robes, much to Ron's chagrin. The day is given as Sunday, but it's actually the day before they return to Hogwarts, so it has to be a Saturday [GoF-10].
Sep 1, 1994Sunday [extrapolated] (next day). Alastor Moody is attacked overnight [GoF-11] and Barty Crouch, Jr. takes his place. Wormtail returns to Crouch, Sr.'s house to care for Voldemort and look after Crouch, Sr. [GoF-35]. HRH take Hogwarts Express back to school; Hermione learns Summoning Charm on the train [GoF-11]. Dumbledore announces the Triwizard Tournament. Neville gets trapped by trick stair [GoF-12].
early Sep, 1994Monday (next day). Herbology with Hufflepuffs in morning (Bubotuber pus). Care of Magical Creatures with Slytherins (skrewts). Double Divination in afternoon (Hermione has Arithmancy). Moody turns Draco into ferret before dinner [GoF-13]; the GoF DVD mistakenly puts this on Sep 1.
early Sep, 1994Potions. Neville melts his sixth cauldron and gets detention (disembowling horned toads) [GoF-14].
Sep 4, 1994Thursday. Defense Against the Dark Arts in afternoon. Fake Moody (Crouch, Jr.) demonstrates Unforgivable Curses and gives book to Neville [GoF-14,35, GoF DVD] so Harry can find gillyweed in it [GoF-35]. Hermione starts S.P.E.W. Hedwig returns with Sirius' reply saying that he's coming back [GoF-14].
early Sep, 1994Friday (next day). Harry sends letter to Sirius telling him not to come [GoF-15].
Sep, 1994Monday (next week). Care of Magical Creatures [GoF-14].
?, 1994Moody puts the class under the Imperius Curse [GoF-15].
Oct 23, 1994A week before Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive. Care of Magical Creatures. Sign announcing the Triwizard Tournament goes up in entrance hall [GoF-15].
Oct, 1994Cleaning of the castle begins [GoF-15].
late Oct, 1994Transfiguration (Switching Spells - Neville transplants his ears onto cactus) [GoF-15].
late Oct, 1994Angelina Johnson turns 17, and can participate in Triwizard Tournament [GoF-16].
Oct 30, 1994Friday. Harry receives reply from Sirius stating that he's back in the country. Potions. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students arrive at Hogwarts [GoF-15]. Dumbledore explains the Goblet of Fire [GoF-16, GoF DVD].
Oct 31, 1994Halloween. Saturday. Fred and George try to cross the Age Line. Triwizard participants chosen by Goblet; Bagman and Crouch, Sr. attend ceremony [GoF-16]. Crouch, Sr. looks ill, according to Harry [GoF-27]. Harry chosen as fourth champion and Ron begins his tiff with Harry [GoF-17, GoF DVD].
Nov 1, 1994Sunday (next day). Harry owls Sirius about being entered in Triwizard Tournament [GoF-18].
Nov 2, 1994Monday (next day). Herbology (Bouncing Bulbs). Care of Magical Creatures (skrewts exercise) [GoF-18].
Nov 6, 1994Friday. Charms (Summoning Charms) in morning. Double Potions (Antidotes) in afternoon. "Potter Stinks" badges. Harry and Draco duel; Goyle and Hermione hit by ricochets; Hermione's teeth grow. Weighing of Wands; Bagman and Crouch, Sr. are present. Note that the GoF DVD puts this on Nov 13. Harry gets Sirius' reply telling him to be by fire at 1 a.m. on Nov 22 [GoF-18]. This is supposed to be the second Friday that Harry was tormented by the Slytherins for being in the Triwizard Tournament [GoF-18], but it's also supposed to be about a fortnight (2 weeks) before he talks to Sirius on the 22nd, and placing it on the 13th means Harry and Ron would have actually served their detentions before they received them!, so I placed this on the earlier Friday.
Nov, 1994Rita Skeeter's article on Harry published ("ten days ago"). Harry and Ron serve detention pickling rats' brains [GoF-19].
Nov 21, 1994Saturday. Hogsmeade; Harry goes with Hermione and takes his Invisibility Cloak to avoid Ron. Hagrid tells Harry to meet him at midnight [GoF-19].
Nov 22, 1994Sunday (next day), very early a.m. Hagrid takes Maxime on date that helps Harry see dragons just after midnight. Harry talks to Sirius in fireplace at 1 a.m. [GoF-19]. Harry and Hermione research dragons [GoF-20].
Nov 23, 1994Monday (next day). Harry tells Cedric about the dragons. Fake Moody helps Harry with First Task. Herbology (Flutterby Bush). Hermione helps Harry learn Summoning Charm [GoF-20].
Nov 24, 1994Tuesday (next day). History of Magic in morning. First Task. Bagman and Crouch, Sr. attend. Harry gets egg from First Task. Ron and Harry make up [GoF-17,20, GoF DVD]. Harry owls Sirius about getting through First Task. Hermione finds out how to get into kitchens. Neville samples a Canary Cream [GoF-21].
Nov, 1994Crouch, Sr. shows signs of fighting the Imperius Curse and is kept imprisoned in his house by Voldemort and Wormtail, and he is forced to send his instructions to the office by owl [GoF-23,35]. Crouch, Sr. hasn't been seen in public since November, according to Daily Prophet [GoF-27].
Dec, 1994Care of Magical Creatures (skrewts). Hagrid agrees to give Rita Skeeter interview on Friday. Double Divination in afternoon. HRH go down to kitchens and find Dobby and Winky there; Dobby's been there a week [GoF-21].
Dec, 1994Thursday. Transfiguration (Cross-Species Switches). McGonagall announces Yule Ball; Harry learns he'll be dancing [GoF-22].
Dec, 1994Next day. Harry asked to Yule Ball by curly-haired Hufflepuff. History of Magic [GoF-22].
Dec, 1994Next day. Two more girls ask Harry to Ball [GoF-22].
Dec, 1994Care of Magical Creatures (chopping skrewt food); last CoMC class of term [GoF-22].
Dec, 1994Wednesday (during last week of term). Charms [GoF-22].
Dec, 1994Next day. George asks Ron if he can borrow Pigwidgeon. Fred asks Angelina to Ball. Hermione stomps off over Ron's attitude toward girls [GoF-22].
Dec 18, 1994Friday (last day of term). History of Magic. Potions. Harry asks Cho to Ball. Ron asks Fleur to Ball. Ron realizes Hermione is a girl, but learns she already has a date. Harry asks Parvati to Ball [GoF-22, GoF DVD].
Dec, 1994Ron notices Hermione's teeth are smaller. Pigwidgeon delivers congratulatory message from Sirius [GoF-23].
Dec 25, 1994Christmas. Harry gets socks from Dobby, a tissue from the Dursleys, and a magic penknife from Sirius. Yule Ball [GoF-23]. Ginny meets Michael Corner at the Ball; they begin dating at end of year [OotP-16]. Percy Weasley sits in for missing Crouch, Sr. [GoF-23]. Dumbledore obliquely mentions the Room of Requirement [GoF-23, OotP-18]. Karkaroff and Snape talk. Harry learns Hagrid is a half-giant [GoF-23], as does Rita Skeeter [GoF-37].
Dec 26, 1994Next day, just after midnight [GoF-23]. Snape tells Dumbledore Karkaroff will flee; he will not [DH-33]. Cedric helps Harry with egg clue [GoF-23]. Boxing Day [GoF-24].
Jan, 1995First day of new term. Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures in morning (unicorns). Professor Grubbly-Plank fills in for Hagrid, who isn't present because of Rita Skeeter's article. Divination in afternoon [GoF-24].
mid Jan, 1995Saturday. Hogsmeade visit. Bagman offers Harry help with the egg. Bagman is stopped by Rita Skeeter and pursued by goblins. Bagman tells Harry that Crouch, Sr. has been absent from work for a couple of weeks now. HRH and Dumbledore convince Hagrid not to resign [GoF-24].
?, 1995Thursday. Harry takes bath with egg (note that the GoF DVD mistakenly places this on Dec 25), sees Fake Moody in Snape's office, falls into the trick stair, and gives Marauder's Map to Fake Moody [GoF-25].
?, 1995Next day. Charms (Banishing Charm). Harry owls Sirius about Moody and Snape [GoF-26].
Feb 22, 1995Monday (two days to go until Second Task). Owl from Sirius requesting date of next Hogsmeade weekend arrives; Harry replies with the same owl. Care of Magical Creatures (unicorn foals) [GoF-26].
Feb 23, 1995Ron and Hermione taken as hostages for Second Task. Fake Moody talks loudly to McGonagall about using gillyweed to breathe underwater, causing Dobby to break into Snape's office and steal the gillyweed [GoF-26,35].
Feb 24, 1995Dobby gives Harry gillyweed. Second Task; Bagman is present, but Percy is still filling in for Crouch, Sr. [GoF-20,26, GoF DVD].
early Mar, 1995Friday. Harry gets Sirius' reply to meet him in Hogsmeade. Double Potions in afternoon. Rita Skeeter's article on Hermione published. Karkaroff shows Snape his Dark Mark [GoF-27].
early Mar, 1995Saturday (next day). Hogsmeade with Sirius [GoF-27].
early Mar, 1995Sunday (next day). HRH send letter to Percy. Harry sends Sirius food and sees eagle owl flying around Hogwarts and Hagrid digging in his garden (leprechaun gold for nifflers) [GoF-28].
early Mar, 1995Next day. Hermione gets bubotuber pus in the mail. Herbology. Care of Magical Creatures (nifflers) [GoF-28].
mid Mar, 1995Defense Against the Dark Arts (hex-deflection). Hermione confirms from Fake Moody after class that Rita Skeeter isn't wearing an Invisibility Cloak on the grounds [GoF-28].
Apr 1, 1995Fred and George Weasley turn 17 [GoF-12].
early Apr, 1995Easter holidays. Ron gets Percy's letter concerning Mr. Crouch [GoF-28].
mid Apr, 1995Start of summer term [GoF-28].
mid May, 1995Crouch, Sr. escapes from Wormtail (Fake Moody waits a week before his father shows up at Hogwarts) [GoF-35].
May 24, 1995Precisely one month before Third Task [GoF-26]. Harry and Cedric go down to hear Bagman tell them what Third Task is. Harry runs into Crouch, Sr. [GoF-28]. Crouch, Sr. is murdered by his son and transformed into a bone which is then buried in Hagrid's garden [GoF-35].
end May, 1995Next day. HRH send owl to Sirius about Crouch's disappearance. Fred and George send threatening letter to Bagman. History of Magic [GoF-29].
end May, 1995Next morning. Return owl from Sirius [GoF-29].
end May, 1995Monday [GoF-31]. HRH practice Stunning. Divination (Arithmancy for Hermione). Harry has dream about flying as an Eagle owl to Voldemort; Wormtail's blunder (letting Crouch, Sr. escape) hasn't ruined everything [GoF-29]. In Pensieve, Harry watches Karkaroff name names, Bagman get off (Rita Skeeter attends), and the Lestranges and Barty Crouch, Jr. sentenced to life in Azkaban for torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Harry learns Snape was a Death Eater [GoF-30]. Harry owls Sirius about Pensieve [GoF-31].
Jun, 1995HRH practice for Third Task; Sirius is owling daily. HRH see Draco talking into his hand [GoF-31].
Jun 24, 1995Rita Skeeter's article on Harry published. History of Magic exam (not for Harry) [GoF-31]. Third Task. Fake Moody carries Triwizard Cup into maze and makes it into a Portkey and then helps Harry through the obstacles [GoF-26,31,35]. Wormtail helps Voldemort regain his body with contributions from Tom Riddle, Wormtail, and Harry [GoF-32]. Voldemort recalls his Death Eaters and restores Wormtail's severed hand [GoF-33]. Karkaroff flees after the Dark Mark on his arm burns [GoF-35,36]. Harry's and Voldemort's wands connect, bringing back shadows of Wormtail's hand, Cedric Diggory, Frank Bryce, Bertha Jorkins, and Harry's mother and father [GoF-34]. Harry's wand imbibes some power from Voldemort's wand [DH-35]. Harry escapes back to Hogwarts using the Triwizard Cup Portkey [GoF-34]. Fake Moody tries to kill Harry. Dumbledore interrogates Crouch, Jr. with Veritaserum [GoF-35, GoF DVD].
Jun 25, 1995Next day, very early a.m, nighttime. Fudge gives Crouch, Jr. to dementor. Snape shows his Dark Mark to Fudge. Fudge gives Triwizard winnings to Harry. Bill Weasley is sent to his father at the Ministry to rally loyal forces [GoF-36]. Sirius reveals himself; he is sent to alert the old crowd (Lupin, Figg, Mundungus) [GoF-36, OotP-5]. Snape is sent on an unknown errand by Dumbledore [GoF-36], returning to Voldemort's side two hours after Harry faced Voldy in the graveyard [HBP-2]. Hermione traps Rita Skeeter in a glass jar [GoF-36,37]. Harry meets with Cedric Diggory's parents in the morning [GoF-37].
Jun, 1995Bagman flees from debt-collecting goblins after Harry ties Cedric Diggory [GoF-37].
Jun, 1995Thursday. DADA cancelled. HRH go talk to Hagrid [GoF-37].
Jul 1, 1995Remembrance ceremony for Cedric Diggory in Great Hall (a week after his death); Alastor Moody attends. Dumbledore suggests to Beauxbatons and especially Durmstrang students that they are welcome back at any time [GoF-37].
early Jul, 1995Next day. Hogwarts Express ride back to King's Cross station. Harry gives his Triwizard winnings to Fred and George so they can start a joke shop [GoF-37].
early Jul, 1995Dumbledore sends Hagrid and Madame Maxime as envoys to the giants [GoF-37, OotP-20]. Hagrid and Maxime set off right after term ends; it takes about a month to get there [OotP-20].
Order of the Phoenix
summer, 1995Harry starts having dreams about long, dark corridors [OotP-1].
Jul, 1995First week after term ends. Percy and Arthur Weasley have their big fight and Percy moves to London [OotP-4].
Jul 31, 1995Harry's 15th Birthday. Harry receives another frustratingly ambiguous note from Hermione along with his birthday presents of chocolate, which he throws away. Dudley beats up Mark Evans [OotP-1].
Aug, 1995Hagrid and Maxime find giants a month after they first left; they spend a week with them [OotP-20].
Aug 2, 1995Mundungus Fletcher Disapparates when he's supposed to be guarding Harry. Vernon electrically shocked when he grabs Harry. Harry and Dudley attacked by dementors; Harry hears Voldemort's laughter instead of his mother's screams. Harry gets four owls, one of which is a notice of suspension from school and summons him to appear at a disciplinary hearing [OotP-1,2,8]. Petunia gets Dumbledore's Howler [OotP-2,37]. Harry wries to Sirius, Ron, and Hermione [OotP-3].
early Aug, 1995Fred and George place first business ad in Daily Prophet [OotP-6].
Aug 6, 1995Four days after Harry's attack, he is escorted to number twelve, Grimmauld Place; a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix is just starting [OotP-3,4]. Sirius is nearly speared by a knife at dinner [OotP-5].
Aug 7, 1995Next day. Harry enlisted for cleaning of Grimmauld Place. The twins collect doxies; Harry meets Kreacher; Sirius explains his family tree [OotP-6].
Aug 11, 1995Wednesday [OotP-6]. Ginny's 14th birthday isn't mentioned in the book, though Harry was rather preoccupied at the time.
Aug 12, 1995Thursday (next day). Harry goes to Ministry of Magic for his disciplinary hearing. Dumbledore and Mrs. Figg testify on his behalf [OotP-2,6,7,8]. After the hearing, Harry and Mr. Weasley run into Lucius Malfoy at the Ministry [OotP-9]. Lucius Malfoy may have placed Sturgis Podmore under Imperius Curse to get him to enter the Department of Mysteries [OotP-26]. Harry's scar burns that night (possibly due to Lucius informing Voldemort of Imperius Curse?) [OotP-9].
Aug, 1995Cleaning of Grimmauld Place continues. Sirius withdraws from everyone [OotP-9].
Aug 30, 1995Educational Decree Twenty-Two passes, allowing Ministry to select Hogwarts teachers if Dumbledore cannot find a replacement [OotP-15].
Aug 31, 1995Next day. Sturgis Podmore arrested at 1 a.m. for trespass at the Ministry [OotP-14]. Letters from Hogwarts arrive (very late this year, no explanation given). Ron and Hermione are prefects; Harry is less than thrilled at not becoming prefect. Ron gets a new broom. Moody shows Harry former Order. Mrs. Weasley encounters boggart. Harry's scar burns that evening; Voldemort is furious (possibly due to Podmore's arrest?) [OotP-9,18].
Sep 1, 1995Next day. Sturgis Podmore does not show up to help escort Harry to King's Cross station, though Sirius does go and is apparently spotted by Lucius and Draco Malfoy. Harry, et al. go back to school. Harry meets Luna Lovegood and sees thestrals for the first time [OotP-10]. Harry and Seamus begin their tiff [OotP-11].
Sep, 1995Monday (next day). First school day back. History of Magic (giant wars) and double Potions (Draught of Peace) in the morning; Divination (dream interpretation) and double Defense Against the Dark Arts in the afternoon. Harry meets Umbridge and gets detention [OotP-12].
Sep, 1995Next day. Double Charms (review Summoning Charms) and double Transfiguration (Vanishing Spells) in the morning; Care of Magical Creatures (bowtruckles) and Herbology in the afternoon. First detention with Umbridge [OotP-12,13].
Sep, 1995Next day. Divination and Transfiguration in the morning; Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy in the afternoon. Detention with Umbridge [OotP-13].
Sep, 1995Thursday (next day). Potions. Transfiguration. Care of Magical Creatures. After his detention Harry learns Ron is going out for Gryffindor Keeper [OotP-13].
Sep, 1995Friday (next day). Last detention of the week with Umbridge. Gryffindor Keeper tryouts [OotP-13]; Cormac McLaggen misses tryouts due to eating doxy eggs [HBP-11]. Harry feels his scar burn when Umbridge touches him [OotP-13]; Voldemort is happy [OotP-18].
Sep, 1995Saturday (next day). Harry writes to Sirius and sees thestrals flying over Forbidden Forest. Sturgis Podmore's arrest is in the Daily Prophet [OotP-14].
Sep, 1995Sunday (next day). Educational Decree Twenty-Three passes, appointing Dolores Umbridge Hogwarts High Inquisitor [OotP-15]. Ron receives a letter from Percy (via Hermes) [OotP-14].
Sep, 1995Next day, very early a.m. HRH talk to Sirius in the fire; Hagrid was supposed to be back by now [OotP-14]. History of Magic. Double Potions (Strengthening Solution). Fred and George explain O.W.L. grading system. Divination in afternoon (Arithmancy for Hermione); Trelawney evaluated. Defense Against the Dark Arts; Harry gets full week of detentions [OotP-15].
Sep, 1995Tuesday (next day). Charms. Transfiguration (vanishing mice); McGonagall evaluated. Care of Magical Creatures (bowtruckles) in afternoon; Grubbly-Plank evaluated; Harry receives another day of detention. Harry serves a detention and is then treated with murtlap essence; Hermione suggests Harry teach them DADA (and says Voldemort's name for first time). Harry dreams about corridors and locked doors [OotP-15].
late Sep, 1995Hermione talks again to Harry about teaching DADA [OotP-16].
early Oct, 1995Hogsmeade weekend [OotP-12]. First Saturday of October. HRH meet with lots of students wanting to study DADA in the Hog's Head Inn. All sign Hermione's parchment [OotP-16]. Mundungus Fletcher overhears meeting in Hog's Head [OotP-17] as does Willy Widdershins, the bandaged man at the bar [OotP-27]. Ron learns Ginny is dating Michael Corner [OotP-16].
Oct, 1995Monday. Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four passes, disbanding all organizations. Ron tries to go up girls' staircase. History of Magic (giant wars); Hedwig turns up wounded. Potions (Strengthening Solutions); Snape evaluated. Divination in afternoon. Defense Against the Dark Arts [OotP-17].
Oct, 1995Tuesday (next day, very early a.m.). Sirius appears in fireplace and Umbridge nearly catches him [OotP-17]. Charms (Silencio). Gryffindor Quidditch team allowed to reform. Harry feels scar hurt after Quidditch practice (Voldemort is furious) [OotP-18].
Oct, 1995Next day, very early a.m. Harry dreams about walking down a corridor. Dobby returns Hedwig to Harry and tells him about the Room of Requirement. Double Herbology. Care of Magical Creatures (inside because of rain) in afternoon. First practice in Room of Requirement; call themselves Dumbledore's Army: D.A. [OotP-18].
Oct, 1995Wednesday (next week). Second D.A. meeting [OotP-18].
mid Oct, 1995Fourth D.A. meeting; Hermione hands out coins bewitched with Protean Charm [OotP-19].
Nov, 1995Saturday. Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Harry, Fred, and George banned for life from Quidditch and their broomsticks confiscated. Hagrid returns [OotP-19]. HRH visit Hagrid, as does Umbridge [OotP-20].
Nov, 1995Tuesday. Care of Magical Creatures (thestrals); Hagrid evaluated; he'll get his results in ten days [OotP-21].
Dec, 1995Ginny becomes Gryffindor Seeker. Last D.A. meeting of term. Harry kisses Cho. Hermione writes to Viktor Krum [OotP-21].
Dec, 1995Next day, very early a.m. Harry sees Arthur Weasley attacked through a snake's eyes [OotP-21]. Harry tells Dumbledore of attack and tries to bite Dumbledore as he and the Weasley clan are sent to Grimmauld Place via Portkey. Sirius tells Kreacher to get "OUT!" [OotP-22] and Kreacher heads to Narcissa Malfoy [OotP-37]. Later that day, all go to St. Mungo's (Broderick Bode is there) to visit Arthur Weasley [OotP-22]. Harry considers leaving Grimmauld Place to protect others from him. Harry dreams about black corridor again [OotP-23].
Dec, 1995Next day. Christmas decorations are put up. Harry moves upstairs to get away from other people; he hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday. Immediately after end of term, Hermione takes Knight Bus to Grimmauld Place instead of going skiing with her parents, and coaxes Harry to come down for dinner [OotP-23].
Dec 25, 1995Christmas. Ron gives Hermione perfume; she is less than thrilled. They re-visit Arthur Weasley at St. Mungo's and see Gilderoy Lockhart and Bode; Bode receives a potted plant for Christmas. Neville's parents are also in the long term care ward; Neville and his Gran are visiting them. Alice Longbottom gives Neville an empty Droobles Blowing Gum wrapper [OotP-23].
Dec, 1995Sirius finds Kreacher in the attic [OotP-24].
early Jan, 1996Last day of break. Snape tells Harry he will be teaching him Occlumency on Mondays. Arthur Weasley gets out of St. Mungo's [OotP-24].
early Jan, 1996Next day. Harry worries about when he'll see Sirius again; Sirius gives Harry communication device before he leaves. HRH and Ginny return to Hogwarts on Knight Bus [OotP-24].
early Jan, 1996Monday (next day). First school day back. Ten Death Eaters break out of Azkaban in early morning hours [OotP-25]. Potions in the morning. Harry asks Cho to go to Hogsmeade with him on Valentine's Day. First Occlumency lesson with Snape. Harry realizes corridor he has been dreaming about is in Department of Mysteries. Fred and George demonstrate Headless Hats. Harry collapses because Voldemort is maniacally happy [OotP-24]. Fudge visits Muggle Prime Minister about Azkaban break out [HBP-1].
early Jan, 1996Next day. Daily Prophet carries story of Death Eater breakout from Azkaban and Bode's death at St. Mungo's. Harry and Ron learn Hagrid is on probation. Umbridge visits every Divination and Care of Magical Creatures class [OotP-25].
early Jan, 1996Next morning. Educational Decree Number Twenty-Six passes, banning teachers from giving students any information unrelated to their subjects [OotP-25].
Jan, 1996Harry now having nightly dreams about entrance to the Department of Mysteries [OotP-25].
Feb 14, 1996Valentine's Day. Hogsmeade weekend. Harry and Cho go on first (and last) date. Harry tells his story to Rita Skeeter for publication in The Quibbler [OotP-25].
Feb, 1996Saturday. Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff; Gryffindor barely wins. Harry dreams about corridor again; the door is ajar this time [OotP-26].
Feb, 1996Next day. The March edition of The Quibbler comes out [OotP-26].
Feb, 1996Monday. The Quibbler with Harry's story arrives at Hogwarts along with lots of owls. Umbridge bans Harry from Hogsmeade and gives him another week of detentions. Educational Decree Number Twenty-Seven passes, threatening to expel any student found in possession of The Quibbler. Herbology. Charms. Divination [OotP-26].
Feb, 1996Tuesday. Seamus and Harry make up. Transfiguration in morning. Harry dreams he is Voldemort. Harry learns Avery had informed Voldemort that Bode could remove "IT", but Rookwood explains it was impossible. And Harry learns that Lucius Malfoy had done Imperius Curse on Bode [OotP-26].
late Feb, 1996Harry breaks into Snape's mind during Occlumency. Harry gets through the door at the Department of Mysteries to see a round room with many doors during Occlumency; Snape is less than pleased. Umbridge fires Trelawney and tries to throw her out, but Dumbledore allows her to stay and replaces her with Firenze [OotP-26], who was banished by his herd [OotP-27].
early Mar, 1996A few days after Trelawney is sacked. Divination (Arithmancy for Hermione) with Firenze (stargazing) [OotP-27].
Apr, 1996Seamus attends his first D.A. meeting. Harry is caught by Draco fleeing the Room of Requirement. Dumbledore's Army is revealed to Minister Fudge. Marietta Edgecombe shows up in Dumbledore's office with SNEAK written on her face. Kingsley Shacklebolt casts a Memory Charm so she cannot reveal the D.A. meetings. Dumbledore stuns the room and escapes with Fawkes [OotP-27]. Dumbledore's office seals itself off [OotP-28].
Apr, 1996Next day. Educational Decree Number Twenty-Eight passes, replacing Albus Dumbledore with Dolores Umbridge as Headmistress. Draco Malfoy and other Slytherins become part of Inquisitorial Squad. Herbology in morning. Fred and George force Montague into the Vanishing Cabinet. Umbridge interrogates Harry in her office. Fred and George set off all their fireworks one floor below Umbridge's office. Transfiguration in afternoon. Harry dreams about Department of Mysteries and finally gets into room full of spun-glass spheres [OotP-28].
Apr, 1996Next day. Harry's Occlumency lesson interrupted by Draco with news of Montague. Harry invades Snape's Pensieve. He sees Snape, James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter taking their O.W.L.s (along with group of unidentified girls). Harry's mother is part of group of girls by the lake who had just emerged with the students taking their O.W.L.s. James torments Snape. Snape calls Lily a Mudblood. Snape catches Harry; no more Occlumency [OotP-28].
Apr, 1996Friday [OotP-28]. First day of Easter break (6 weeks until exams) [OotP-29].
Apr, 1996Easter Sunday. Ginny and Harry thrown out of library for eating chocolate. Career Advice notice goes up on board. Harry plots to talk to Sirius [OotP-29].
Apr, 1996Monday (next day). Hermione spends day pestering Harry not to break into Umbridge's office. History of Magic and Potions (Invigoration Draught) in morning. Divination in afternoon; Harry attends Career Advice with McGonagall and Umbridge instead. Defense Against the Dark Arts. Just as classes end, Fred and George turn fifth floor corridor into swamp. Harry talks with Sirius and Remus about his dad. Fred and George make their unforgettable exit from Hogwarts [OotP-29].
Apr, 1996Lee Jordan starts slipping nifflers into Umbridge's office [OotP-30,31].
May, 1996Monday [extrapolated]. Harry dreams he's gotten to row 97 in the Department of Mysteries [OotP-30].
May, 1996Tuesday (next day). Montague's parents visit. Charms (running teacups). Harry reveals he gave his Triwizard winnings to the twins. Less than a month to go before exams [OotP-30].
May, 1996Saturday (following Saturday). Quidditch: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin. [OotP-30].
end May, 1996Last weekend of May. Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw. Harry and Hermione meet Grawp. Weasley is our King [OotP-30].
end May, 1996Next day. Harry and Hermione inform Ron about Grawp [OotP-31].
early Jun, 1996O.W.L. results will come in six weeks time [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Sunday. Professor Marchbanks arrives [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Monday (next day). Charms exams (theory in morning; practical in afternoon) [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Next day. Transfiguration (theory in morning; practical in afternoon) [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Wednesday (next day). Herbology [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Thursday (next day). Defense Against the Dark Arts (theory and practical) [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Friday (next day). Ancient Runes for Hermione. Lee Jordan puts another niffler in Umbridge's office [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Monday. Potions (theory in morning; practical in afternoon) [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Tuesday (next day). Care of Magical Creatures (practical in afternoon) [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Wednesday (next day). Astronomy (theory in morning). Divination (afternoon). Arithmancy for Hermione (afternoon). Astronomy practical that night [OotP-31].
Jun, 1996Thursday (next day, very early a.m.). During Astronomy exam, Hagrid flees Hogwarts and McGonagall Stunned into unconsciousness. History of Magic (afternoon). Harry "sees" Sirius being tortured in Department of Mysteries by Voldemort [OotP-31]. Harry tries to contact Sirius via Umbridge's fireplace, but encounters Kreacher instead. Umbridge captures the "Sextet" and confesses to sending dementors after Harry [OotP-32]. Harry and Hermione take Umbridge into Forbidden Forest and the centaurs deal with her [OotP-33]. HRH, Ginny, Neville, and Luna ride thestrals to Ministry of Magic [OotP-34].
Jun, 1996Friday (next day, very early a.m.). Harry, along with Luna (and possibly Ginny and Neville too), hear voices in veil room. Harry finds his prophecy [OotP-34]. Prophecy is smashed during the scrum. Harry watches Sirius fall into veil [OotP-35]. Harry goes after Bellatrix and attempts Cruciatus curse on her. Voldemort briefly possess Harry's body [OotP-36]. Dumbledore tells Harry of protection guarding him at Privet Drive and Trelawney's prophecy ("either must die") [OotP-37]. Dementors break out of Azkaban [OotP-38]. Fudge visits Muggle Prime Minister about dementor breakout [HBP-1].
Jun, 1996Sunday. Harry visits hospital wing, then meets Malfoy in entrance hall, then goes down to see Hagrid, then down to the lake [OotP-38].
Jun, 1996Ron and Hermione leave hospital three days before end of term [OotP-38].
Jun, 1996Umbridge leaves Hogwarts day before end of term. That evening Harry finds Sirius' mirror and smashes it. Harry asks Nearly Headless Nick if Sirius might return. Luna tells him her stuff is missing [OotP-38].
Jun, 1996Next day. Return on Hogwarts Express. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle hexed by many members of D.A. [OotP-38].
Half-Blood Prince
summer, 1996The Weasleys' clock stands at mortal peril, "ever since You-Know-Who came back into the open" [HBP-5].
early Jul, 1996Calls for Fudge's resignation begin, lasting for a fortnight [HBP-1].
Jul, 1996Dementors are breeding and causing unexplained mist [HBP-1,4].
Jul, 1996Sirius' will is discovered a week before Dumbledore visits Privet Drive [HBP-3].
mid Jul, 1996Brockdale Bridge collapses [HBP-1].
mid Jul, 1996Same week. Giants upset trees in the West country; Muggles believe it was a hurricane [HBP-1].
mid Jul, 1996Same week. Amelia Bones murdered, possibly by Voldemort himself (according to Fudge) [HBP-1].
mid Jul, 1996Same week. Emmeline Vance murdered, using Snape's information [HBP-1,2].
mid Jul, 1996Same week. Junior Minister Herbert Chorley begins quacking like a duck [HBP-1].
mid Jul, 1996Same week. Cornelius Fudge sacked [HBP-1]. Dumbledore acquires Marvolo's ring from the Gaunts' abandoned hovel and is injured doing so [HBP-2,10,23]. Dumbledore destroys the ring Horcrux with Gryffindor's sword. Snape does his best to cure his hand; the wound is terminal, he has perhaps a year. Dumbledore and Snape both know Draco's task. Dumbledore asks Snape be the one to kill him to preserve Draco's soul; Snape agrees [DH-33]. Dumbledore sends a letter to Harry explaining that he will retrieve him at 11pm on Friday [HBP-3].
mid Jul, 1996Hermione arrives at the Burrow, two days before Harry [HBP-5].
mid Jul, 1996Friday night, 11pm, only a fortnight (two weeks) into summer vacation. Dumbledore visits Privet Drive. Harry learns he has inherited number twelve, Grimmauld Place (and Kreacher) [HBP-3]. Harry and Dumbledore Apparate to Budleigh Babberton just before midnight [HBP-4]. Muggle Prime Minister awaits the Minister of Magic just before midnight [HBP-1].
mid Jul, 1996Next day, very early a.m., just after midnight. Three days (actually four) after Fudge is sacked, he and new Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour meet Muggle Prime Minister to discuss attacks. Herbert Chorley moved to St. Mungo's [HBP-1]. Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange meet with Snape (and Wormtail) at Spinner's End to discuss Draco's assignment; Snape makes Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa to protect Draco and finish his job if need be [HBP-2]. Harry and Dumbledore meet Horace Slughorn; Dumbledore is wearing a ring with a cracked stone; they convince him to teach at Hogwarts. Harry and Dumbledore Apparate to the Burrow and talk in the Weasleys' broom shed [HBP-4]. Harry learns Bill and Fleur are getting married. He tells Ron and Hermione about the prophecy [HBP-5]. HRH receive their O.W.L. results; Harry and Ron believe they won't have Potions anymore [OotP-31, HBP-5].
Jul 30, 1996Neville's 16th Birthday; he gets his new wand the day before Ollivander disappears [HBP-7].
Jul 31, 1996Next day. Harry's 16th Birthday. Igor Karkaroff's body is found; Florean Fortescue and Ollivander are missing [HBP-6]; Ollivander held prisoner at Malfoy Manor where he makes Wormtail a new wand [DH-24].
Aug 1, 1996Next day. Letters from Hogwarts arrive; Harry is Quidditch Captain [HBP-6].
early Aug, 1996Saturday. Trip to Diagon Alley. HRH encounter Narcissa and Draco Malfoy in Madam Malkin's, visit Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and spy on Draco in Borgin and Burkes [HBP-6].
Sep 1, 1996Harry, et al. go back to school; Harry dines with Slughorn, and spies on Draco, who attacks him [HBP-7]. Harry is late and loses Gryffindor 70 points. Slughorn is the new Potions master; Snape finally gets DADA [HBP-8].
Sep 2, 1996Next day. Ron encounters a giggly Lavender going down for breakfast. McGonagall reviews O.W.L. grades to help determine class schedules; Harry and Ron can take Potions [HBP-9]. Ancient Runes (Hermione only; Harry and Ron have a break) and DADA (nonverbal spells) in morning; Harry gets detention for Saturday. Jack Sloper delivers Harry's first letter from Dumbledore [HBP-9]. CoMC would be in afternoon, but HRH didn't continue with it [HBP-8]. Arithmancy (Hermione only; Harry and Ron have a break) and double Potions (Veritaserum, Polyjuice Potion, Amortentia (smells like Ginny to Harry), Felix Felicis) in afternoon. Harry gets the Half-Blood Prince's potions book [HBP-9].
early Sep, 1996Wednesday (same week). Ancient Runes for Hermione [HBP-9].
early Sep, 1996Saturday (same week), 8pm. Harry's detention with Snape moved to following Saturday. Harry gets first lesson from Dumbledore. Harry and Dumbledore use the Pensieve to visit Bob Ogden's memory of the Gaunts' hovel [HBP-10].
Sep, 1996Next week. Hannah Abbott removed from Herbology class to be informed her mother is dead. Eloise Midgen withdrawn from school by her father. Stan Shunpike arrested [HBP-11].
Sep, 1996Saturday (next day). Harry receives his new copy of Advanced Potion-Making and switches bindings with the old book, much to Hermione's dismay. Dumbledore hasn't been seen since Harry's last lesson with him. Ron spies Lavender looking at him; Hermione is less than happy. Quidditch tryouts; Hermione Confunds McLaggen to help Ron. HRH visit Hagrid; Aragog is dying. Slughorn invites Harry and Hermione to dinner. Hermione reads about Mr. Weasley's search of the Malfoy home. Harry gets message from Snape about his detention (sorting flobberworms) at 8:30pm [HBP-11].
Sep, 1996Thursday (same week). First Quidditch practice [HBP-11].
mid Oct, 1996Hogsmeade weekend (not for Draco; he has detention with McGonagall). Harry has been using hexes from Advanced Potion-Making, including 'Levicorpus'. Ginny gives Harry his next note from Dumbledore. Harry catches Mundungus selling Sirius' old things to the Hog's Head barman; Tonks helps free Mundungus. Katie Bell is cursed when she touches an opal necklace. Dumbledore is away until Monday [HBP-12].
mid Oct, 1996Next day. Katie moved to St. Mungo's [HBP-13].
mid Oct, 1996Monday. Slughorn's party; Harry can't attend. Second lesson with Dumbledore at 8pm; Dumbledore's wound isn't improving. Harry witnesses Caractacus Burke's memory of buying Slytherin's locket from Merope in the Pensieve as well as Dumbledore's memory of convincing Tom Riddle to attend Hogwarts. Marvolo's ring is gone from Dumbledore's study [HBP-13]; Dumbledore has destroyed it [HBP-23] using Gryffindor's basilisk-venom laden sword. The sword is replaced with a fake; Snape does not know this, according to Phineas [DH-15].
mid Oct, 1996Next day. Herbology (Snargaluff stumps) in morning [HBP-14].
1996Transfiguration (conjuring out of thin air). Harry asks Dean to replace Katie; Seamus is less than pleased. Ron does poorly at Quidditch practice. Harry sees Dean and Ginny kissing in a hallway; he is less than pleased; Ron breaks up the action; Ginny taunts him for never being kissed. Harry and Ron run into a small girl along the seventh floor corridor who drops a bottle of toadspawn. Harry thinks a lot about Ginny that night [HBP-14].
1996Next day. Ron is treating Hermione with icy indifference [HBP-14].
1996Final Quidditch practice before match with Slytherin. Harry threatens to throw Ron off the team [HBP-14].
1996Next day. Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin; Zacharias Smith is announcing. Harry pretends to put Felix Felicis in Ron's pumpkin juice; Ron plays brilliantly; Draco doesn't play at all. Ron and Lavender are fully entwined in the common room; Hermione attacks Ron with a flock of birds [HBP-14].
Dec, 1996Ron and Hermione spend much of December avoiding each other. Hermione warns Harry in the library about girls plotting to slip him a love potion. Ginny keeps cropping up in Harry's dreams. Romilda gives Harry suspicious Cauldron Cakes [HBP-15].
Dec, 1996Next day. Transfiguration (change eyebrows colors). Harry invites Luna to Slughorn's party. Harry slips away from Slughorn's party to listen in on Snape and Draco (Unbreakable Vow); Draco looks ill [HBP-15].
Dec, 1996Next day. Harry and Ron return to the Burrow [HBP-16].
Dec 25, 1996Christmas. Ginny gives Harry goosebumps at dinner. Percy and Rufus Scrimgeour stop by the Burrow for a chat [HBP-16].
early Jan, 1997Harry, Ron, and Ginny Floo back to Hogwarts. Hermione delivers Dumbledore's letter to Harry [HBP-17].
early Jan, 1997Next day. Notice announcing Apparition lessons goes up. Charms (produce a fountain of water). Dumbledore's blackened hand doesn't seem to be healing. Harry sees Voldemort visit Morfin Gaunt in Dumbledore's Pensieve as well as Slughorn's meeting with Riddle concerning Horcruxes (the edited version) [HBP-17].
early Jan, 1997Next day. Ron and Hermione still avoiding each other. Potions (poison antidotes; Harry uses a bezoar; Hermione is less than happy) in afternoon. Harry gets nowhere asking Slughorn about Horcruxes [HBP-18].
early Feb, 1997Saturday. First Apparition lesson for sixth years. Harry learns Draco is using Crabbe and Goyle as lookouts; Harry begins using the Marauder's Map to track Draco [HBP-18].
late Feb, 1997Evening. Hagrid overhears Dumbledore arguing with Snape [HBP-19]. Snape wavers on his promise to kill Dumbledore; he does not know about the Horcruxes. 11pm: Dumbledore informs Snape of the soul fragment inside Harry, that he must inform Harry after Voldemort begins protecting Nagini, and that Voldemort must be the one to kill Harry. Snape shows Dumbledore his doe Patronus [DH-33].
Mar 1, 1997Saturday. Hogsmeade trip cancelled; Katie still in St. Mungo's. Ron's 17th birthday; Harry gets him Keeper's gloves. Apparition lesson, but Harry and Ron don't attend because Ron accidentally eats some of Harry's love potion-laced Cauldron Cakes and falls in love with Romilda Vane. Ron drinks poison after being cured of the love potion and Harry saves him with a bezoar [HBP-18]. Hagrid lets it slip that Dumbledore is angry with Snape [HBP-19].
Mar 2, 1997Next day. Cormac McLaggen and Lavender bug Harry. Potions [HBP-19].
Mar, 1997Next week. Harry sees Draco with a pair of girls in the hallway not going down to watch the game. Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff; Luna is announcing. Harry is knocked cold by McLaggen's Bludger and finds himself next to Ron in the infirmary. Harry orders Kreacher and Dobby to tail Draco [HBP-19].
Mar, 1997Monday, two weeks before Apparition practice in Hogsmeade [HBP-21]. Harry and Ron out of hospital; Hermione informs them Ginny and Dean had a fight; Harry is pleased. HRH pass a small girl in the seventh floor corridor who drops her scales. Luna delivers Dumbledore's letter to Harry. Ron and Lavender aren't enjoying each other's company; Hermione is in a good mood. Harry hasn't gotten the memory from Slughorn yet; Dumbledore is less than pleased. Dumbledore shows Harry Hokey the house-elf's memory of Voldemort's visit to his mistress (Hufflepuff's cup, Slytherin's locket). Dumbledore shows Harry his memory of Voldemort asking for a job ten years after Hepzibah Smith's murder; the DADA post has been cursed since then [HBP-20].
Mar, 1997Sunday (next week). Harry finds 'Sectumsempra' in his Potions book. Sign announcing Apparition Test goes up. Ron's quills misbehave (Roonil Wazlib); "I love you, Hermione". Ron wants to ditch Lavender. Kreacher and Dobby give their first report; Draco is visiting the Room of Requirement [HBP-21].
Mar, 1997Next day. Mundungus sent to Azkaban. Ancient Runes (Hermione). Harry tries to enter Room of Requirement during his free period. DADA (identify an Inferius, Cruciatus Curse); Harry is late and loses 10 points. Ron and Harry encounter Moaning Myrtle in a boys' bathroom [HBP-21].
Apr 7, 1997Sunday (a fortnight (two weeks) before Apparition tests). Apparition practice in Hogsmeade. Harry scares Goyle away from the Room of Requirement. Harry encounters Tonks, who looks terrible, in the castle. Dumbledore is away again [HBP-21].
Apr, 1997Monday. Katie Bell released from St. Mungo's; she spends a couple of days with her parents before returning to Hogwarts [HBP-24].
Apr 21, 1997Lunch. Hagrid sends Harry note about Aragog. Apparition Tests (Hermione passes; Ron just fails). Potions (Euphoria). Draco looks thinner and paler. Dinner. Harry takes Felix Felicis. Lavender encounters Ron and Hermione together; Ginny scolds Dean [HBP-22]. Ron and Lavender, and Ginny and Dean break up [HBP-24]. Harry invites Slughorn to Aragog's burial. Slughorn collects acromantula venom and unicorn hairs [HBP-22]. Dumbledore returns [HBP-23].
Apr 22, 1997Next day, very early a.m. Harry gets Slughorn's complete Horcrux memory [HBP-22]. Harry and Dumbledore watch Slughorn's Horcrux memory. Dumbledore explains Voldemort's six Horcruxes (Tom's diary, Marvolo's ring, Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's cup, something from Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, Nagini, and Voldemort himself) [HBP-23]. Charms (turn vinegar to wine). HRH free period. Harry debates with himself about dating Ron's sister. Katie Bell returns (Transfiguration for seventh years) [HBP-24].
May, 1997Quidditch practice and Ginny daydreams occupy Harry's time through the month [HBP-24].
May, 1997Three days before final Quidditch match. Harry catches Draco crying in a boys' bathroom with Moaning Myrtle. Harry nearly kills Draco with Sectumsempra. Snape takes Draco to the infirmary. Harry hides his Advanced Potion-Making book in the Room of Requirement; the Vanishing Cabinet and many other hidden objects are there. Snape inspects Harry's school books (Roonil Wazlib); Harry gets detention every Saturday at 10am for the rest of the term (so no Quidditch) [HBP-24].
May, 1997Saturday. Quidditch: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw. Harry sorts Filch's files for detention instead. After the match Harry kisses Ginny for "several sunlit days"; Hermione is happy, Ron is surprised but accepting, Dean and Romilda are less than pleased [HBP-24].
Jun, 1997Ginny's studying keeps her away from Harry. Hermione finds Eileen Prince's name in the library. Jimmy Peakes delivers Dumbledore's note to Harry; he meets Trelawney on the way and learns Malfoy achieved his goal and that Snape was the one who overheard part of the prophecy. Harry gives his remaining Felix Felicis to Ron, Hermione, and Ginny and accompanies Dumbledore to find a Horcrux; they encounter Madam Rosmerta on the way [HBP-25]; she notifies Draco [HBP-27]. Harry and Dumbledore Apparate to the cave where young Tom Riddle had taken two other orphans; Dumbledore drinks the basin's potion which weakens him greatly; they recover a locket [HBP-26]. Draco lets Death Eaters into Hogwarts using the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement and the Hand of Glory. Gibbon sets off the Dark Mark. Flitwick fetches Snape down in the dungeons, and is Stupefied by him just before midnight [HBP-29].
Jun, 1997Next day, very early a.m., just after midnight. Harry Apparates them back to Hogsmeade where they are spotted by Rosmerta, who points out the Dark Mark over the school. Harry and Dumbledore fly to the top of the Astronomy Tower. Dumbledore Freezes Harry, but loses his wand to Draco [HBP-27]; Draco becomes the Elder Wand's master, though he never possesses it, ruining Snape and Dumbledore's plan for the wand [DH-35,36]. Draco hesitates fulfilling his mission (killing Dumbledore); Snape does it instead, using Avada Kedavra [HBP-27]. Harry chases Draco and Snape out of the school; Snape is the Half-Blood Prince; Snape attacks Harry. Harry finds Dumbledore's body at the base of the Astronomy Tower; the fake Horcrux locket (R.A.B.) lies next to him [HBP-28]. Bill Weasley lies in the hospital wing with Werewolf wounds; Fawkes sings his lament as Harry informs people of what happened. Lupin/Tonks revealed. Dumbledore's portrait is in the Head's office; Harry refuses to tell new Headmistress McGonagall where they went. The school may close [HBP-29]. Patil twins and Zacharias Smith leave school. Late afternoon: Maxime arrives in her carriage [HBP-30].
Jun-Jul, 1997Sometime after Dumbledore's death but before Moody places his anti-Snape jinxes on Grimmauld Place. Snape takes the second page of Lily's letter to Sirius referring to Grindelwald and containing her "love". He tears the photo in half, keeping the part with Lily, leaving James and Harry on the floor [DH-33].
Jun, 1997Hermione finds that Eileen Prince was Snape's mother [HBP-30].
Jun, 1997Next day, morning. Everyone, including Umbridge, Scrimgeour, Fudge, Grawp, members of the Order, Mrs. Figg, the Hog's Head barman, merpeople, and the centaurs attend Dumbledore's funeral, where his body is entombed. Harry breaks up with Ginny to protect her. Harry resolves to hunt down the Horcuxes, starting in Godric's Hollow; Ron and Hermione vow to join him [HBP-30]. Hermione summons Horcrux books out of Dumbledore's study [DH-6].
Deathly Hallows
Jun, 1997Next day. Harry returns to Privet Drive [HBP-3,30].
Jun, 1997Death Eaters have infiltrated the Ministry [DH-1,3].
Jun, 1997A few days into summer holiday. Arthur Weasley and Kingsley Shacklebolt visit Privet Drive. Vernon spends next four weeks debating whether to go into hiding [DH-3].
Jun, 1997Charity Burbage's resignation from Hogwarts and Elphias Doge's article on Dumbledore in Daily Prophet [DH-2].
1997Death Eaters (including Lucius Malfoy) break out of Azkaban [DH-1].
Jul, 1997Four weeks after Dumbledore's death. Rita Skeeter finishes her novel on Dumbledore [DH-2].
mid Jul, 1997Charity Burbage writes article on Muggle-borns for Daily Prophet [DH-1].
Jul, 1997Lupin and Tonks marry [DH-1].
Jul, 1997Yaxley places Pius Thicknesse under Imperius Curse [DH-1].
Jul, 1997Snape Confunds Mundungus to suggest multiple Polyjuiced Harrys [DH-33].
Jul, 1997Nighttime. Yaxley and Snape give their differing reports to Voldemort at Malfoy Manor. Voldemort murders Charity Burbage [DH-1].
Jul, 1997Saturday (next week). Harry cleans his school trunk, cutting his finger on a shard of Sirius' enchanted mirror; the mirror flashes blue for an instant. Harry has four days left before he's an adult [DH-2]. Hestia Jones and Dedalus Diggle escort the Dursleys from Privet Drive at sunset, while thirteen members of The Order remove Harry, breaking the charm on Privet Drive before it expires [DH-3,4]. Six Order members Polyjuice into Harry, and fly into the night. Hedwig is killed [DH-4]. George loses an ear to Snape accidentally [DH-5,33]; Moody is killed [DH-5]. Harry's wand acts of its own accord against Voldemort [DH-4]. Harry lands at the Tonks' and Portkeys to the Burrow, uttering Voldemort's name at both locations. Harry sees Voldemort torture Ollivander [DH-5].
Jul, 1997Next day. Mrs. Weasley interrogates Harry about their mission. Wedding preparations [DH-6].
Jul, 1997Next day. Hermione continues packing, and explains memory modifications she has done to her parents. Ron shows off his ghoul impersonator with "spattergroit". Hermione says Voldemort's name, and explains how she got the Horcrux books [DH-6].
Jul 30, 1997Next day. The Delacours arrive at 11am, two days before the wedding [DH-6]. Harry Potter was to be moved from Privet Drive, according to Yaxley's inaccurate information [DH-1,4].
Jul 31, 1997Next day. Harry's 17th Birthday; Harry comes of age, and his blood protection at Privet Drive would naturally have ended [HBP-3, DH-1,3,6]. Harry sees Voldemort searching for Gregorovitch in a dream. Ginny gives Harry a long Birthday kiss to remember her by. A radiant Tonks is likely pregnant. Hagrid gives Harry a Mokeskin pouch. Rufus Scrimgeour, executing Dumbledore's will after 31 days, gives a Deluminator (Put-Outer) to Ronald Bilius Weasley, The Tales of Beedle the Bard to Hermione Jean Granger, and Harry's first snitch to Harry James Potter; but keeps Gryffindor's sword at Hogwarts [DH-7].
early Aug, 1997Next day. Harry Polyjuices into "Cousin Barny" [DH-8]. Bill and Fleur marry [HBP-5,30, DH-8]. Harry meets Xenophilius Lovegood, who is wearing a triangular eye-shaped pendant, angering Viktor Krum who recognizes it as Grindelwald's symbol. Elphias Doge and Auntie Muriel argue over Dumbledore's past [DH-8]. Scrimgeour is tortured to death for information on Harry; Pius Thicknesse (under the Imperius Curse) replaces him [DH-11]. Kingsley's lynx Patronus informs the wedding participants: "The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming." [DH-8]. Death Eaters crash the wedding; Hermione Apparates HRH away. Hermione says Voldemort's name; two Death Eaters quickly find them. HRH Apparate to Grimmauld Place. Harry watches Draco Crucio Rowle on Voldemort's orders [DH-9].
early Aug, 1997Next day. Harry finds first page of letter from Lily to Sirius and a torn picture of himself riding a broom in Sirius' old room. Snape likely searched the house recently. Harry finds Regulus Arcturus Black's room. Hermione says Voldemort's name again. Kreacher tells his tale. Harry gives Kreacher Regulus' locket. Harry sends Kreacher after Mundungus [DH-10].
early Aug, 1997Next day. Kreacher does not return. Hogwarts attendance now compulsory [DH-11].
early Aug, 1997Next day. Kreacher does not return. Muggle-born Registration Commission formed. Death Eaters begin watching Grimmauld Place; Lupin Apparates onto the top step. Ron, Lupin, and Hermione all say Voldemort's name, but Lupin doesn't believe they know HRH are at Grimmauld Place. Tonks is pregnant and staying with her parents; Remus believes the child will be wolf-ish. Kreacher returns with Mundungus; Umbridge has the locket [DH-11].
early Aug, 1997The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore published [DH-2].
Aug, 1997Death Eaters continue their vigil outside Grimmauld Place [DH-12].
mid Aug, 1997Griphook and other goblins go on the run [DH-15].
Aug 22, 1997List of Muggle-borns (including Hermione) who failed to present themselves for interrogation carried in Daily Prophet [DH-12].
Sep 1, 1997Half a dozen Death Eaters assemble outside Grimmauld Place. Harry returns that evening from watching the Ministry all day. Snape is Hogwarts Headmaster; Alecto Carrow teaches Muggle Studies; Amycus Carrow gets DADA. Harry says Voldemort's name. Harry sees Voldemort searching for Gregorovitch [DH-12].
Sep, 1997Next day. HRH infiltrate Ministry [DH-12], steal Mad-Eye's eye and the locket from Umbridge, and free Muggle-borns. Nearly caught, Hermione Apparates them back to Grimmauld Place, dragging Yaxley in, exposing their hiding place [DH-13,14]. Hermione Apparates them away to woods near the Quidditch World Cup; Ron is splinched. Harry sees Voldemort interrogate Gregorovitch about who stole an object he desires. Hermione nearly says Voldemort's name twice [DH-14].
Sep, 1997Next day. Harry buries Moody's eye. Harry can't conjure a Patronus while wearing the Horcrux [DH-15].
1997HRH travel to London to find Tom Riddle's orphanage; it's gone [DH-15].
1997As HRH spend weeks Apparating around Britain, Voldemort dwells on the golden-haired thief [DH-15].
1997Ginny, Neville, and Luna attempt to steal the fake sword from the Headmaster's office; they're caught and Snape gives them detention with Hagrid [DH-15].
1997A couple days later. Gryffindor's fake sword placed in Bellatrix's vault in Gringotts [DH-15,23].
1997Ted Tonks flees rather than register with the Ministry [DH-15].
1997Next week. Autumn. Lack of progress, good food, and their isolation takes its toll. A group, including Dean Thomas, Ted Tonks, Dirk Cresswell, and Griphook the goblin, camps nearby. Gryffindor's sword is a fake. HRH interrogate Phineas' portrait about the sword. Ron abandons Harry and Hermione [DH-15]; Hermione cries for a week. Ron is caught by Snatchers, but escapes with an extra wand [DH-19]; he stays at Bill's [DH-20].
1997Harry and Hermione don't discuss Ron for the next few days [DH-16].
1997Harry is very angry at both Ron and Dumbledore. Phineas Nigellus reappears, blindfolded, in his portrait every few days [DH-16].
1997Ginny banned from Hogsmeade; she, Neville, and Luna reform the D.A. [DH-16].
1997Weather growing colder, and they wander further [DH-16].
Dec, 1997Christmas break (presumably before Luna's father bought the Erumpent horn). Luna taken by Death Eaters off the Hogwarts Express, and held at Malfoy Manor [DH-25,29].
Dec, 1997Two weeks prior to HRH's visit. Xenophilius Lovegood buys an Erumpent horn (he believes it to be that of a Crumple-Horned Snorkack) [DH-20] to exchange for Luna [DH-21].
Dec 17, 1997Harry and Hermione find Grindelwald's mark written in Hermione's book. They discuss exploring Godric's Hollow [DH-16].
Dec, 1997Nearing Christmas. Harry and Hermione steal hairs from Muggles for use in Polyjuice [DH-16].
Dec 24, 1997One week after their discussion, Harry and Hermione visit Godric's Hollow [HBP-30, DH-16]. There is a statue of James, Lily, and Harry in the square. They find the graves of Kendra and Ariana Dumbledore, Ignotus Peverell (with Deathly Hallows mark) [DH-17,20], and James and Lily Potter; Hermione conjures a wreath; Harry places it on his parents' grave [DH-16]. They find Harry's ruined house. "Bathilda Bagshot" invites them to her home; Slytherin's locket pulses strongly; Harry steals the picture of Dumbledore and the golden-haired thief [DH-17]; Hermione steals The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore [DH-18]; "Bathilda" turns into Nagini and tries to hold Harry for Voldemort. Hermione blasts the room, breaking Harry's wand; Harry drops the stolen picture and Voldemort finds the thief he was seeking [DH-17].
Dec 25, 1997Next day, very early a.m, just as church bells ring in Christmas Day. Harry pulls Hermione out the window; she Apparates them away as they fall; Harry sees Voldemort's memory of Halloween night, October 31, 1981. Hermione wakes Harry around dawn. Hermione tries to fix Harry's wand [DH-17]. Ron hears Hermione's voice coming from his Deluminator, and Apparates to their snowy location [DH-19]. Harry and Hermione read about Dumbledore and Grindelwald in Skeeter's book [DH-18].
Dec, 1997Next day, very early a.m. Both Harry and Hermione hear people prowling around their encampment. They Apparate to the Forest of Dean; Hermione had gone camping there once. After thoroughly searching the previous hill Ron Apparates to the Forest of Dean [DH-19]. Phineas' portrait reports to Headmaster Snape that Harry and Hermione are in the Forest of Dean; Snape scolds him for using the term 'Mudblood'. Dumbledore's portrait instructs Snape on the sword; he removes it from behind Dumbledore's portrait [DH-33]. That night, a doe Patronus leads Harry to Gryffindor's true sword; Ron rescues Harry from drowning and destroys the locket Horcrux with the sword. Ron gives Harry his extra wand [DH-19].
Dec, 1997Next day. Ron explains the Taboo. Hermione isn't speaking to Ron [DH-20].
Dec, 1997Next day. HRH Apparate to Ottery St. Catchpole [DH-20]. Mr. Lovegood explains the Deathly Hallows tale: Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility; represented by the triangular symbol. Mr. Lovegood tries to sell out Harry to get his Luna back; the Erumpent horn explodes during the scrum [DH-21]. Hermione Obliviates Mr. Lovegood, lets the Death Eaters see Harry, and Apparates them away [DH-21,22]. Dusk. Harry realizes Voldemort is hunting the Elder Wand; he begins to obsess over the Hallows [DH-22].
Dec, 1997HRH travel for a week along a rainy coast [DH-22].
Jan, 1998Weeks pass while travelling [DH-22].
Mar, 1998Easter holidays; Ginny gets out of Hogwarts just in time. Weasleys flee the Burrow to Auntie Muriel's. Fidelius Charm on Aunt Muriel's and Shell Cottage. Bill and Arthur not working anymore. Fred and George run Owl Order business from Aunt Muriel's [DH-24].
Mar, 1998Easter holidays [DH-23]. Ron finally tunes in Potterwatch; Ted Tonks and Dirk Cresswell are dead; Mr. Lovegood is imprisoned; Hagrid is on the run, hiding in Sirius' former mountain cave [GoF-27, DH-22,28]. Harry says Voldemort's name and Snatchers find them [DH-22]. Hermione uses Stinging Jinx to distort Harry's face. Snatchers, including Greyback, take HRH, Dean, and Griphook to Malfoy Manor; HRH lose their wands [DH-22,23,24]; Draco is reluctant to identify them. Luna and Ollivander are captives as well. Bellatrix, worried about the security of her vault, brutally tortures Hermione [DH-23].
Mar, 1998Next day, very early a.m. (which events occur on which side of midnight is unclear). Harry asks for help from the blue eye in his mirror shard [DH-23]; it's Aberforth's [DH-28]; Dobby appears. Dobby Disapparates Luna, Dean, and Ollivander. Wormtail moves to kill Harry, but he changes his mind due to his life-debt; his silver hand murders him instead. Griphook lies about the sword. Bellatrix summons Voldemort. Harry sees Voldemort murder the imprisoned Grindelwald. Harry disarms Draco [DH-23], becoming the Elder Wand's master [DH-36]. Dobby disarms Narcissa. Dobby Disapparates them away; Bellatrix throws her knife at Dobby; he dies at Shell Cottage [DH-23]. Harry's grief masks the pain from his scar. The sky begins to lighten. Harry buries Dobby. Dawn. Harry talks to Griphook about breaking into Gringotts. Ollivander cannot repair Harry's wand. Harry has Draco's wand, Hermione Bellatrix's, and Ron Wormtail's. Harry discusses wands with Ollivander. Harry watches Voldemort take the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's tomb, but does nothing to stop him [DH-24]. Voldemort confines the Malfoys and Bellatrix to Malfoy Manor [DH-26].
Mar, 1998Three days after their arrival. Griphook agrees to help them break into Gringotts in exchange for Gryffindor's sword [DH-25].
Mar, 1998They plan the break-in for weeks [DH-25].
Apr, 1998Ollivander moved to Auntie Muriel's. Lupin visits; Tonks has had a boy: Teddy Remus Lupin; Harry is godfather. Bill warns Harry about making deals with goblins [DH-25].
1998Death Eaters go after Mrs. Longbottom [DH-29].
1998Less than two weeks before HRH arrive. Neville goes into hiding in the Room of Requirement [DH-29].
1998Two days later. Passage behind Ariana's portrait opens into the Room of Requirement [DH-29].
1998Ollivander sends Luna a new wand [DH-26].
May, 1998Next morning. HRH and Griphook steal Hufflepuff's cup from the Lestranges' vault; Griphook keeps Gryffindor's sword. HRH escape on a dragon [DH-26]. Harry sees Voldemort murder goblins in his rage over the stolen cup, discovers the last Horcrux is at Hogwarts, and watches him set off to check his Horcruxes [DH-27]. HRH Apparate to Hogsmeade, setting off alarms. Aberforth rescues them, sending them into the Room of Requirement via Ariana's portrait [DH-28]. HRH encounter Neville (who sends for other D.A. members via Hermione's fake Galleons), and other D.A. members. Harry watches Voldemort discover his missing Peverell ring. Luna, Dean, Ginny, Fred, George, Lee, and Cho return [DH-29]. Ron imitates Parseltongue. He and Hermione take basilisk fangs from the Chamber of Secrets; Hermione destroys the cup Horcrux [DH-31]. Harry sees Voldemort in the cave. McGonagall chases Snape from Hogwarts. The Weasleys, the Order, the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and Fleur arrive. Harry sees Voldemort arrive outside Hogwarts [DH-30]. 11:30pm: Voldemort demands Harry Potter by midnight. 11:45pm: Harry talks to Helena Ravenclaw [DH-31].
May 2, 1998Next day, just after midnight. The Battle of Hogwarts begins. Harry realizes where the tiara is. Ron and Hermione finally reappear. Mrs. Longbottom and Tonks arrive; Ginny leaves the Room of Requirement. Ron suggests saving the house-elves; Hermione kisses him. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle fight HRH in the Room; Crabbe accidentally destroys the tiara Horcrux with Fiendfyre, killing himself. Harry saves Draco. Fred is killed [DH-31]. Lucius worries only for his son. Ron slugs Draco. HRH enter the Shrieking Shack; Snape offers to fetch Harry. Voldemort doesn't think his wand works properly; Nagini kills Snape; Voldemort believes he is finally the Elder Wand's master. Harry takes Snape's memories; Snape looks at Lily's eyes for the last time [DH-32]. Voldemort gives Harry one hour. Remus and Tonks are dead. Harry views Snape's memories [DH-33]. Colin Creevey is dead. Nearly 4am. Harry tells Neville to kill Nagini. Harry walks willingly to his death; he drops the Resurrection Stone. Voldemort kills Harry using Avada Kedavra [DH-34]. At a way station between life and death (King's Cross) Dumbledore explains Hallows, Horcruxes, Snape, and Voldemort to Harry [DH-35]. Hagrid carries Harry out of the Forest. Voldemort's spells have no real effect. Grawp and the Centaurs attack. Neville cuts off Nagini's head, destroying the last Horcrux. Lucius and Narcissa look for Draco. Molly kills Bellatrix. Sunrise. Voldemort's and Harry's final spells meet; Voldemort's Avada Kedavra backfires and kills him; Harry catches the Elder Wand. Harry repairs his own wand using the Elder Wand [DH-36]. The specific day comes from a Pottercast interview.
May, 1998Harry returns the Elder Wand to its final resting place: Dumbledore's tomb [DH-36].
summer, 199817-year-old Harry joins the Auror Department [JKR website].
2007Harry becomes Head of Auror Department [JKR website].
Sep 1, 2009Teddy Remus Lupin starts at Hogwarts [extrapolated from birth date].
early 2010'sVictoire Weasley starts at Hogwarts [DH-37].
mid 2010'sJames Sirius Potter starts at Hogwarts [DH-37].
Sep 1, 2017Albus Severus Potter and Rose Weasley start at Hogwarts. Scorpius Malfoy likely does as well [DH-37].
Sep 1, 2019Lily Luna Potter will start at Hogwarts, two years after Albus [DH-37].

Houses and Years

GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown1930's
1938Tom Marvolo Riddles. ? Avery
s. ? Lestrange
g. Minerva McGonagall
Carlotta Pinkstone
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown1940's
1940Rubeus HagridHambledon Quince
Olive Hornby
r. Myrtle
Eileen Prince
Erica Stainwright
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown1950's
1957Broderick BodeFabius Watkins
Devlin Whitehorn

Laurentia Fletwock
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown1960's
Rita Skeeter
Tarquin McTavish
g. Arthur Weasley
Bertha Jorkins
g. Molly Prewett
1965Lucius Malfoy
1966Narcissa Black
1968Sturgis Podmore
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown1970's
1971Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
James Potter
Lily Evans
Severus Snape? StebbinsBertram Aubrey
s. ? Avery
s. Regulus Black
Lorcan d'Eath
Davey Gudgeon
s. Rodolphus Lestrange
s. Evan Rosier
Gaspard Shingleton
Tilden Toots

s. ? Wilkes
s. Bellatrix Black
Glenda Chittock
Daisy Hookum

g. Mary ?
1972Dirk Cresswell
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown1980's
1982Bill Weasleys. Miles Bletchley
B. Dunstan
s. Terence Higgs
s. Adrian Pucey
Donaghan Tremlett
s. C. Warrington
1984Charlie WeasleyNymphadora Tonks
1986Marcus FlintStan Shunpike
1987Percy Weasley
Oliver Wood
Penelope Clearwater
? Bole
? Derrick
1989Lee Jordan
Kenneth Towler
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Angelina Johnson
Alicia Spinnet
Patricia Stimpson
Cedric DiggoryRoger Davies
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown1990's
1990Cormac McLaggen
Katie Bell
Marcus Belby
Eddie Carmichael
Cho Chang
r. ? Bradley
K. Bundy
h. ? Cadwallader
S. Capper
r. ? Chambers
g. Ritchie Coote
Harold Dingle
J. Dorny
g. Geoffrey Hooper
g. Andrew Kirke
s. ? Montague
g. Jack Sloper
h. Zacharias Smith
h. ? Stebbins
h. ? Summerby
h. ? Summers
s. ? Urquhart
s. ? Vaisey
r. Marietta Edgecombe
r. S. Fawcett
g. Vicky Frobisher
Leanne ?
h. Eloise Midgen
? Montgomery
? Montgomery
g. Demelza Robins
1991Seamus Finnigan
Neville Longbottom
Harry Potter
Dean Thomas
Ron Weasley
Lavender Brown
Hermione Granger
Parvati Patil
Justin Finch-Fletchley
Wayne Hopkins
Ernie Macmillan
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Megan Jones
Terry Boot
Michael Corner
Stephen Cornfoot
Kevin Entwhistle
Anthony Goldstein
Mandy Brocklehurst
Su Li
Morag MacDougal
Padma Patil
Lisa Turpin
Vincent Crabbe
Gregory Goyle
Draco Malfoy
Theodore Nott
Blaise Zabini
Millicent Bulstrode
Tracey Davis
Daphne Greengrass
Pansy Parkinson
? Maltie
Li- Moon
? Rivers
? Roper
? Runcorn
? Spinks

Sally-Anne Perks
1992Colin Creevey
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Romilda Vane
Derek ?
Astoria Greengrass
1994Dennis Creevey
Jimmy Peakes
Natalie McDonald
Owen Cauldwell
Kevin Whitby
Eleanor Branstone
Laura Madley
Stewart Ackerley
Orla Quirke
Malcolm Baddock
Graham Pritchard
Emma Dobbs
1995Euan Abercrombie--
Rose Zeller
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown2000's
2009Teddy Lupin
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown2010's
Victoire Weasley
201?James Potter
2017Scorpius Malfoy
Albus Potter
Rose Weasley
Lily Potter
GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclawSlytherinHouse Unknown2020's
202?Hugo Weasley

The following table assumes that Charlie Weasley is three years above Percy (and Bill is two years above Charlie) and that Hermione is older than Harry (as Jo's website now says). All the rest of the info is known. The different colored months between the years 1991-1992 roughly indicate the three school terms (Autumn: September up to Christmas, Spring: January up to Easter, Summer: Easter through June).

James Potter-warts 5Hogwarts 6Hogwarts 7
Lily Evans-warts 5Hogwarts 6Hogwarts 7
Harry Potterb
Hermione Grangerb
Ron Weasleyb
Fred/Geo Weasleyb
Ginny Weasley
Percy Weasleyb
Charlie Weasley
Bill Weasley
BOOKSSorcerer's Stone ...
James Potterd
Lily Evansd
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred/Geo Weasley
Ginny Weasleyb
Percy Weasley
Charlie WeasleyHogwarts 1Hog-
Bill WeasleyHogwarts 1Hogwarts 2Hogwarts 3Hog-
BOOKS... Sorcerer's Stone ...
James Potter
Lily Evans
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred/Geo WeasleyHogwarts 1Hog-
Ginny Weasley
Percy WeasleyHogwarts 1Hogwarts 2Hogwarts 3Hog-
Charlie Weasley-warts 2Hogwarts 3Hogwarts 4Hogwarts 5Hogwarts 6Hog-
Bill Weasley-warts 4Hogwarts 5Hogwarts 6Hogwarts 7
BOOKS... Sorcerer's StoneChamber of SecretsPrisoner of AzkabanGoblet of FireOrder of ...
James Potter
Lily Evans
Harry PotterHogwarts 1Hogwarts 2Hogwarts 3Hogwarts 4Hog-
Hermione GrangerHogwarts 1Hogwarts 2Hogwarts 3Hogwarts 4Hog-
Ron WeasleyHogwarts 1Hogwarts 2Hogwarts 3Hogwarts 4Hog-
Fred/Geo Weasley-warts 2Hogwarts 3Hogwarts 4Hogwarts 5Hogwarts 6Hog-
Ginny WeasleyHogwarts 1Hogwarts 2Hogwarts 3Hog-
Percy Weasley-warts 4Hogwarts 5Hogwarts 6Hogwarts 7
Charlie Weasley-warts 7
Bill Weasley
BOOKS... the PhoenixHalf-Blood PrinceDeathly Hallows
James Potter
Lily Evans
Harry Potter-warts 5Hogwarts 6
Hermione Granger-warts 5Hogwarts 6
Ron Weasley-warts 5Hogwarts 6
Fred/Geo Weasley-warts 7
Ginny Weasley-warts 4Hogwarts 5Hogwarts 6
Percy Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Bill Weasley

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Last Updated: August 27, 2016